Chapter 6

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The faint clashing of weapons and yelling could be heard in front of two houses, a jungle treehouse and log cabin, just down the street. Two people, well kinda people, were sword-fighting in the yard that connected their houses.

Jordan looked over towards the noise and smiled as he approached. "Hey Mitch! Jerome!" He called.

Jerome stopped in his tracks, swinging his axe over his shoulder. "Oh... heya Sparklez!" Suddenly Mitch ran over and tackled him, pinning him to the ground and holding his sword above him.

"I win."

"H-hey! That's not fair dude! I was just tryna say hi to someone."

"Doesn't matter Biggums, I win." Mitch stood up in triumph and stuck his sword into the dirt.

"I want a rematch!" Jerome sat up.

"Oh hey guys." Mitch said, pretending to ignore the bacca.

Jordan laughed at the two. "Practicing for hunger games, I see." He commented with a smile. "Well, if you guys have a minute, I have someone with me I think you'll want to see,"

"Really?" Mitch held his arm out to help Jerome up.

Tyler moved to the side, revealing Jason standing behind him.

Mitch gasped, and Jerome nearly fell back over.

"Jason?!" They both exclaimed in unison.

"Hey guys." Jason smiled.

Mitch and Jerome ran up to the group, wide grins on their faces as they stood in front of Jason.

Stampy had been thinking to himself when he heard Sparklez invite people over and looked up. He felt his whole body tense up.

Suddenly Stampy was lunging at them, ears laid back in agitation and claws extended, aiming to kill or at the very least injure.

Sqaishey gasped in surprise as Stampy bolted from her side and lunged at them with a hiss.

Due to his PvP skills, Mitch dodged the attack, suffering only a small scratch to the cheek. Jerome pushed Mitch behind him, holding out a paw to keep Stampy back.

"Woah, woah, woah... what the hell is your problem man?!" Jerome growled.

"STAMPY!" Jason ran behind Stampy and grabbed onto his jacket, pulling on it.

Stampy hissed at them, reaching out trying to attack Jerome, fangs bared and tail fluffed out in anger.

Jordan stared in shock and wasn't sure what to do here. If they weren't careful it looked like Stampy could just lunge at anyone of them.

Sqaishey quickly moved forward only for Jordan to stop her. "I don't want you to get hurt,"

"He's my husband! He won't hurt me!" Sqaishey argued but he hesitated watching as Stampy pulled against Jason and kept trying to get at Jerome.

Tyler panicked, making the not so good decision to grab onto Stampy as well, wrapping his arms around his waist and trying to pull him back.

Jerome stayed in front of Mitch, who had pulled his sword back out of the ground. The two stared in shock. While they had never met Stampy they did know of him, and this was nothing like they'd seen from him before.

"STAMPY STOP!" Jason cried.

Stampy felt someone grab him and turned towards them, swinging his claws with another hiss and trying to break free.

He was completely out of it.

Jordan pulled Sqaishey back as they watched in shock.

"Stampy! Please!" She called out, tears brimming her eyes. "You need to calm down!"

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now