Chapter 40

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Jordan turned to Mitch. "Alright. It's just us now."

Mitch glared at him. "You're the reason I have to do this, Y'know!"

"Jerome converting back wasn't completely my fault. I won't deny I may have caused part of it but we don't know that for sure!"

"He only converted back because you attacked him. Kalaraja has no control over it! That's why his magic didn't work!"

"He interfered when I attacked Sqaishey, I did not engage him! Yes, I had no control but if I did you know I wouldn't have wished this to happen! And so you admit you talked to that demon!"

"Maybe I did! you guys weren't any help to me!" Mitch was already reloading his bow. "How can you blame me?! I just want my best friend back!"

Jerome had awoken by now. He stared at them curiously, but didn't move. He seemed confused at what was going on, there was definitely something wrong with Mitch.

"Well you weren't exactly asking for help! Tearing down your friends and making them feel terrible isn't asking for help!" He argued.

"I can't have this happen! I've always feared this, ever since I was a kid! They'll kill him! Th-they'll kill him!" The bow was aimed straight in the middle of Jordan's head.

"As long as he stays somewhat calm and passive I'm sure they will understand! We can help try to solve this Mitch! But we have to leave this place to do that!"



"THERE IS NO OPTIMISM IN A PLACE LIKE THIS!" Mitch fired his bow, the arrow headed towards the others brain.

Tyler and Sqaishey watched from behind a nearby tree.

Tyler cried out at Jordan and covered Sqaishey's eyes.

Jordan eyes flashed briefly and he teleported, appearing behind Mitch and kicked his back, making him stumble forward. "Don't you know? Arrows aren't effective on endermen, Mitch." Jordan told him, seeming a little more confident with his abilities and his new found identity.

Mitch fell forward onto his hands and knees. He spun around to face Jordan, his eyes squinting. Strangely enough he had the smallest hint of a grin on his face. "Finally, one of you guys got the memo." He stood up and brushed off his jeans. "You're up against a who-knows-how-many-times Hunger Games champ, it's about time you guys actually tried to fight." He slung his bow around his torso and held an arrow in each hand.

Jordan stood his ground. "I don't want to fight you, Mitch. But I will if I have too. I won't let you hurt the others."

"But I have to kill you! There's no other way!"

"There's always another way Mitch."

"No there isn't! Who knows what he'll do to me if I disobey!"

"So you're just gonna try to kill all of us? Wow! Great plan! I wonder how Jerome will take the news that you murdered everyone else when he comes back to his senses!" Jordan replied sarcastically.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Mitch lunged at Jordan.

Jordan leapt backward and teleported out of the way and to the side. "Well?! Am I wrong?! You really think he'll be thrilled to find out his best friend murdered people?! Permanently, most likely, mind you?!"

Mitch stumbled forward and angrily turned to face Jordan. "What? We do this all the time! I'm sure you'll respawn anyways!"

"Then what's the point of killing us, huh?!"

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