Chapter 48

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Nearly an hour had passed when Quentin slowly began to get some sort of feeling in his legs. He let out an inaudible gasp and reached a hand on Stampy's shoulder, gently shaking him to wake him up.

Stampy blinked awake. "Hmm???"

Quentin looked down and pointed at his legs, his foot shaking a bit.

"Your foot! That's great! Can you walk or not yet?"

Quentin shrugged.

"Here," Stampy offered him his hand.

Quentin nervously took the other's hand, trying to pull himself up but didn't get very far before falling to the ground.

"Hmm... Not quite."

The mudkip frowned and tried to stand up again, pulling on Stampy's arm to try and get up.

He stood his ground, helping him up.

Slowly Quentin stood up. He held his arms out to the side in an attempt to keep his balance, but only ended up stumbling forward.

Stampy quickly caught him with a laugh. "You're getting there."

"S-shut up..." Quentin mouthed, thankful that his wooden body was incapable of showing him blush.

He giggled again, smiling.

Quentin pushed himself away from Stampy and tried to stand on his own. It took awhile but he was eventually able to maintain his balance. He proudly placed his hands on his hips.

"That's great! But can you walk?"

Quentin's eyes widened. "Uh..."

"Well, if you can't, I'll have to carry you again."

Quentin continued to frown. "No..." He was determined to do this on his own.

"Well... okay."

Quentin stumbled a few steps forward, luckily not falling this time. He looked over at the door then back to Stampy.

"You should take a moment to get used to it again, Kippy."

He rolled his eyes but complied, pacing back and forth. He nearly tripped a few times, and it wasn't long until he was on the floor yet again.

"See?" Stampy pointed out softly before offering his hand again.

Quentin silently sighed and stood back up. "We have to hurry though..."

"I know, but if you trip or something and we get caught, then we'd be in trouble. It's better to make sure we can do this."

"I guess you're right... I just don't want you to hurt yourself lugging me all over the place..."

"I understand. Thank you for your concern." He smiled. "But I just want to make sure we don't lose each other again."

Quentin smiled back. "Could I at least try on my own? My whole body feels strange so I won't last too long regardless."

"Well... just be careful."

Quentin nodded before looking back at the door, debating whether or not they should actually leave.

"I would rather wait until your steady to leave but if you're really sure..."

"Where are we going to go?"

"Uh... I don't know. Just keep looking... I guess."

"Ah..." Quentin shifted between his feet, his balance slowly becoming better.

Stampy watched him, ready to help if needed.

Eventually Quentin stopped and nodded at Stampy. He thought he was ready, though that could be debatable.

"Alright." Stampy moved over to the door. "Let's go."

Quentin followed, his steps still a bit flimsy but showed no sign of falling.

Stampy smiled at that and continued on out the door.

Quentin followed. They hadn't walked too far before he was firmly grasping onto Stampy's sleeve, ensuring that he wouldn't fall.

"You good?" He asked quietly.

Quentin nodded. He felt a bit nervous walking around. He knew that he's been here before, but couldn't remember anything about it.

They kept moving onward, looking for any sign of Jason.

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon