aiden wants to hang out after
school and i said yes

but mattia is going after school?

omg.. i forgot

cancel on aiden

no! he's gonna think i still want
to be with mattia

which you do 😶

you're no help

you're the idiot here 🤷🏻‍♂️

okay new idea. me and mattia can work
on it during lunch so i won't have to
cancel on aiden
problem solved!

like he's gonna give up his lunch to do work 😭

he will for me

Mattias paper was still blank which really irked me. We've been in class for almost thirty minutes and he's done nothing.

"Ugh I just remembered I have to help my stepdad with something after school so I'll be busy. Maybe we could work on this during lunch?"

"Yeah fine but let's go early to get passes to the library." Both of us? Alone.



I walked as quick as I could to the cafeteria to get two passes. As I walk in I saw Mattia had already got them and was waiting on me.

He walked next to me covering my left side. Just like when we were dating. He knew I liked having that side covered. I don't know why but I just do.

While walking, Aiden passed us. He gave me a questionable look and kept walking away. I sighed and opened the door for us both.

We sat all the way in the back where it was dark. The only light coming from the dim light bulbs and the computer screens.

"I just want to apologize again..Avery."

"I said it's fine Mattia. We're good." I looked him in his eyes and watched as his eyes went from mine to my lips. He slowly leaned in and so did I.

I knew I had to stop myself but I didn't. I missed his touch. I pulled away and felt my eyes get hot. I turned to the computer and started typing.

"I know you miss me Avery. You can't resist me and you know it."

"Stop getting cocky." I said looking away.

"And I think me and you will start dating again. You just don't want to admit it. Aiden is nothing. I wouldn't trust him if I were you." He bounced his leg up and down. I turned away to face him and gave him my full attention.

"Where did all this attitude come from? Earlier you looked like you could cry from just reading the notes Aiden wrote me. And you're just saying all that because you miss me, Mattia."

"I do, I do miss you. But he is bad news. I wouldn't lie to you. Just saying. Now let's start typing this shit."

I was in shock.

I didn't speak for the rest of our time there. We got two pages, almost three, done.

He got up and walked out without saying a word but winking at me. He still makes me quiver.

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