"If you think that is it. Then how are your lunches from five-star restaurants? And remember in gym? Where did you get wires?"before Yuma went pale.

"Uh... to be honest-- I think someone's messing with me, but--"

When suddenly Astral appeared and said, "It seems you do not think about much".

"I think about lots of things." Yuma told him

"Then think about this. For the past several nights, someone has been sneaking around in your room, while you sleep." Astral explained before Yuma yelled with a tick mark

"Someone's been sneaking around in my room and you keep it all to yourself?!"

"You never ask me to keep you informed. How was I to know that someone being in your room is an unusual occurrence?" He asked

"Are you serious right now?! Of course, it's an unusual occurrence! That does it! I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!" Yuma yelled annoyed.

"You might wanna put on a decent outfit.." Tori said.

"I'm not dressed like cause I wanna be!"

"Yeah, you didn't even notice that you were dressed like that. Time to face facts, Yuma, you're oblivious when it comes to Fashion." Tori said with her hands on her hips

"Uh, what about you? It's not like you're a fashion model." Yuma said feeling offended

"Uh! I'm not the one dressed like a 70's has-been!" Tori said

"Well, you're... you're wearing your school uniform!"

"Duh, that's because all of us are wearing uniforms, it's the school policy, genius." Y/n said

"Don't tell me you're taking Tori's side, Y/n!" Yuma exclaimed

"You want a smack, Yuma?" Y/n asked in an annoyed tone, with a anime vein mark on her head side

"Ahhhhh! No thanks." he said in a frightened tone, while Tori and Bronk sighed, and their classmates froze in terror, before she calmed down.

"Now how about this? Tomorrow the both of you hit the mall, you each pick an outfit, post different pictures on Space nook, then we let our class decide who's hot and who's not." Y/n suggested

"It's on!" Tori and Yuma agreed in unison

"City Center, 3 PM-- don't be late!" Yuma said told Tori

"Says the guy who's never on time!" Tori answered

"Oh, do both of you want a smack?" Y/n said with two anime vein marks and a dark gaze which made Yuma and Tori freaked out.

"Uh... No thanks." They said in unison before Y/n relaxed.

"Y/n, are you going?" Yuma asked

"Nah. Grandpa needs me to run some errands around the shrine." She answered as Yuma went to a gloomy state.

"Right." he said

"But I'll ask him when I'm done." Y/n said before Yuma returned from his gloomy state to his usual cheerful self

"Really?" He asked

"Yep." She said, glanced at Rhea who stared curiously.

They didn't notice that a cat-like girl with gray hair and glasses is staring at them with her green eyes.

~The Next Day~

Tori was in town running to the mall because she was late, she wore a white dress and a light blue jacket.

"Who's late to a fashion off? When she couldn't decide what to wear?" She muttered before noticing a group of cats in front of her meowing.

"Uh.. Nice kitties." Tori said, until they pounced at her from each direction as she let out a scream.

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