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Zyon and I struggle to regain our bearings as we materialize in the new realm.

"I don't think I can ever get used to that," I moan.

"Come on, sis. Dimension diving is fun!"

"I am not jumping off of another building with you, Zyon!" I take off my goggles and rub my face a bit, trying to distract myself from the churning in my stomach.

Zyon looks around to make sure no one is near before pulling down his hood and freeing his tail. "Ah, fresh air! We must be in another magic-based realm; I don't smell the lingering presence of industrial smoke." He sticks his hand into his bag and out a magical staff. "Sure enough. No multi-blaster," he says with a bit of a sigh.

I shake my head and do a check of my own weapons. My rifle is now a bow and arrows in a quiver on my back. My machete has turned into a shortsword that I'm strapping to my waist. Once I've finished that, I double-check that Merv's pre-war quarter is still in my bag. I pull it out and flip it a few times, calming my nerves. "This is becoming so routine now, and I'm not sure how to feel about that."

Zyon has pulled out the strange device he calls a "Warp-Informer" and turns it on.

"I have yet to see that thing change its appearance to match a realm," I say, walking over to him to see the readout on the device.

"That just means we have to be careful that no one sees it," he replies.

The WI sparks to life and letters begin to scroll across the screen.

Realm: WW

Time period: SoS

Warp count: 3 (2 T, 1 S)

Warp Log: Empty

"Wait a second," Zyon says. " 'Warp count: 3'? That's never happened before."

"There's another Warp in the realm? But, that can't be right. There're only supposed to be two of us. Do you think it's that Viri person again?"

"No, she didn't show up on the WI the first time," Zyon replies.

"So, if there are two timewarps, does that mean I can retire?" I pull the WI out of Zyon's hands and yell, "Hello? Can I speak to the manager? I'd like to resign."

Zyon laughs as he gently pulls the device from my hands. "I don't think that's how it works, Harpy. As much as I would love to rid myself of your presence, we seem to be inextricable." He pulls me into a ferocious hug.

I roll my eyes and slide out from his grip. "Let's get back on track. As much as I would love to quit, we can't really circumvent the fact that this is our job now. Until we train the next generation of warps, this is and will be our lives."

Zyon groans. "Can't we just take a little bit of time off?"

"I'll tell you what, Zyon. The next time we end up at Camp Oasis, we can ask someone to give us a tour of the camp, and then we can just relax and get some proper realm notes on everyone while drinking strawberry milkshakes. How does that sound?"

"But," Zyon protests, "we don't know if we'll ever come back there. We haven't been to the same realm twice yet."

"Then we'll never get our break, I guess." I start walking in the direction the realm's pulling me towards.

Zyon lets out a "harumph" before following me reluctantly. "Time to encroach on another person's property," he says somewhat unenthusiastically.

I pull my goggles over my eyes as I hear Zyon say, "Wouldn't it be cool if I could just detach my tail and ears? Or would that hurt?"

I groan. "Please don't make this any more annoying than it has to be."

*Discontinued due to lack of demand* Secrets of Skypeak (Wednesday Words)Where stories live. Discover now