Word List

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Protruded(pro-TROO-ded)- v; stuck out 

Entreated(enTREE-ted)- v; begged, pleaded

Feigned(FAYnd)- v, adj; pretended

Subsisted(sub-SIS-ted)- v; remained alive, were sustained

Adversity(ad-VER-sity)- n; hardship, difficulty


Calamity(ca-LAM-ity)- n; disaster, catastrophe

Habitation(ha-bih-TAY-shon)- n; a place to live, a group of homes or dwellings

Peril(PEH-rihl)- n; danger

Manifold(MAN-ih-fold)- adj; many or variety of options

Quench(kwENCH)- v; satisfy a thirst


Constitution(con-stih-TOO-shon)- n; the physical makeup of a person

Induce(ihn-DOOS)- v; succeed in persuading or influencing someone to do something

Mediator(MEE-dee-ay-tor)- n; one who reconciles opposing groups

Prudence(PROO-dehns)- n; carefulness, caution

Insidious(ihn-SIHD-ee-uhs)- adj; treacherous, deceitful


Unanimity(yoo-nuh-NIH-mity)- n; agreement by all people involved

Vigilant(VIH-jih-lant)- adj; keeping watch for possible danger or difficulties

Acquiesce(ack-wee-EHS)- v; to accept something reluctantly but without protest

Rectitude(REK-tih-tood)- n; morally correct behavior or thinking

Lament(la-MENT)- v; feel sorrow for, mourn


Arduous(AR-doo-uhs)- adj; difficult, tiring, requiring strenuous effort

Avarice(AH-ver-ihs)- n; extreme greed

Incorrigible(in-COR-ij-abl)- adj; not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed; beyond hope/redemption

Copious(CO-pee-uhs)- adj; abundant in supply or quantity

Pacify(PAH-sih-fai)- v; to soothe or calm


Ostentation(ohs-ten-TAY-shon)- n; boastful display

Parsimony(PAR-sih-mohn-ee)- n; extreme care or reluctance in spending

Prevalent(PREH-vah-lent)- adj; widely existing or occurring

Efface(eh-FACE)- v; to cause something to fade or disappear

Eloquence(EH-loh-kwens)- n; fluent or persuasive speaking or writing


Pensive(PEN-sihv)- adj; thoughtful

Venerable(VEN-er-able)- adj; accorded a great deal of respect due to age, wisdom, or character

Imperceptible(im-per-SEPT-ible)- adj; hard to see, unnoticeable

Impertinent(im-PER-tin-ent)- n; stubbornness

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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