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Harper and Connor wander through the streets of the large town, looking around the marketplace to restock on victuals. They had decided to leave Raspberry outside of the town walls in a clump of trees that would keep him well hidden. Thankfully, the large dragon left his obstinacy behind after their stay with Nicole and hasn't been much of a problem ever since.

"Hey, Harper," Connor says, pulling on his sister's sleeve. "Can we get that?" He points a large cake displayed in one of the stalls.

Harper takes one look at the cake and starts dragging her brother away from it. "We are not getting that."

"Why not?" Connor wines as he tries to tug against Harper's strong grip.

"We can't take it on our journey, and I am not spending that much on a dessert."

Connor lets out a huff of frustration. "There wasn't anything wrong with it before. Now, all of a sudden, you're having spending problems."

"Parsimony isn't necessarily a problem, Connor. I'm planning ahead." Harper pulls her brother away from the crowds a bit and whispers, "Also, now that we're in abeyance as far as stealing goes, we don't really have a source of income."

"Abeyance?" Connor gives his sister a puzzled look. "I thought we were stopping for good."

"Shh!" Harper puts her finger on Connor's mouth and points through the stalls at a pair of young ladies.

Connor turns around to see what she's pointing at. "Do we know them?" he mutters to his sister.

Harper was already creeping up to the pair, stealthily making her way across the marketplace. Hoping that they were just as good at being imperceptible as they used to be, Connor follows as quietly as he could. They position themselves behind an empty market stall and listen carefully.

"I still can't believe you insisted on coming with me," one of the girls says, obviously a bit irritated.

"I wasn't letting those two get away with what they did," the other replies. The voice seemed familiar to Connor, but he couldn't figure out why.

"Right, right. Just so you know, I'm just here for the power. I have no loyalty to your village or any other habitation. I'm only loyal to Vorux."

Connor peeks his head over the stall to catch a glance at the two young women.

"Your wyvern?" the second girl says.

Connor's jaw drops when he sees the true identities of the ladies standing in front of him.

"Of course!" the girl from the burning village replies. "Who else?" She gives Lily a sinister smile.

Connor immediately ducks his head back out of sight.

"I have no clue how that monster is so robust," Lily comments. "Do you give it exercise?"

"Of course! I care for him as if he were my own child!"

"Sometimes, you really creep me out, Nix," Lily says with a tinge of regret.

"But you know you need me," Nix purrs. "You won't be able to get your revenge without my help."

"Right. I have to remember that this is about those insidious siblings! I just have to be patient and learn to acquiesce. Dealing with your ostentation will be worth it in the end once I quench my desire for revenge," Lily growls.

"Wait 'til you meet my other wyvern, Alcara. You'll love her! She seems like your type."

Harper pulls Connor away from the pair before he even knows what's happening.

"What was that all about?" Connor asks his sister once they're away from the crowds.

"It looks like we're going to have some competition," Harper replies.

The race for the Artifact of Skypeak Mountain had officially commenced.

Vocab Words:

Abeyance- n; temporary disuse or suspension

Robust- adj; strong and healthy, vigorous

Stealthily- adv; sly or secretively

Commenced- v; begin, start

Victuals- n; food or provisions

*Discontinued due to lack of demand* Secrets of Skypeak (Wednesday Words)Where stories live. Discover now