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Harper and Connor try not to fall off of the winged beast's scaly hide. While Harper clings to one of the spines protruding from the flying lizard's back, her brother keeps one hand around Harper's waist in front of him as he studies the map in his other hand. Although there was no unanimity on the subject of riding the monster, Harper's legendary persuasive skills had almost forced Connor to acquiesce, despite his fear of heights.

They flew over mountains and small habitations, and each of them did their duties on the flight without any horrible calamities. Connor kept an eye on the map at all times and tried to keep himself from getting sick; Harper kept vigilant for any important landmarks that would help them figure out how close they were to their destination. Harper did a surprisingly good job of keeping the large beast on track. She must be as good at persuading animals as she is at persuading people.

Every once in a while, they would pass over a burning town or a destroyed village. Although neither of them are known for rectitude or sympathy, they lamented the loss of the poor people who once lived in those homes. They hoped that completing this quest would change this land for the better, and they would be remembered as heroes and not petty trouble makers.

Unanimity- n; agreement by all people involved

Vigilant- adj; keeping watch for possible danger or difficulties

Acquiesce- v; to accept something reluctantly but without protest

Rectitude- n; morally correct behavior or thinking

Lament- v; feel sorrow for, mourn

*Discontinued due to lack of demand* Secrets of Skypeak (Wednesday Words)Where stories live. Discover now