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Harper and Connor had been arguing about what they should do with the beast for almost an hour. Harper was very convinced that they should induce the strange monster to help them, but Connor thought that would just put them into more peril than they already had to deal with. Lily had always been the mediator during their fights. Without her to help the siblings compromise, they would likely have many more arguments in the future.

Finally, Connor agreed with Harper but not without warning her to continue with prudence. He knew that neither of them had the constitution to take down the great, winged beast. However, if they did convince the creature to aid them, their journey would be a lot easier, and they might be able to avoid future adversity. They were getting closer and closer to proving the world that they weren't as insidious as they seemed. 

Constitution- n; the physical makeup of a person

Induce- v; succeed in persuading or influencing someone to do something

Mediator- n; one who reconciles opposing groups

Prudence- n; carefulness, caution

Insidious- adj; treacherous, deceitful

*Discontinued due to lack of demand* Secrets of Skypeak (Wednesday Words)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt