The Room of Requirement

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His arm firmly locked mine in place and though I resisted , we ended up in front of the Room of Requirement anyway. I forcefully kept my breathing even, hoping desperately that Riddle would not notice how unnerved I was by the mere thought of being in an unknown room with him. Merlin knew what he would do to me and the worst part is no one would even know.

"By any chance does this seem familiar?" Drawled Tom, his tone heavy with sarcasm.

" I still have no idea what you're going on about; but I daresay, that you will not keep me in the dark for much longer." My eyes were still fixed on the wall. I could not face him, my defenses were crumbling down and he would only tear it apart further.

He did not bother to reply and instead walked to and fro thrice in front of the wall. Sure enough, the door revealed itself , hiding what I can only assume as horrors that his twisted mind had thought of. The door swung open and Riddle put his hand on his heart in a way of mock courtesy.

"Will you walk into my parlour?"

I turned to him in shock, briefly forgetting the imminent danger of the current situation.

"You read poems written by muggles? If it weren't for its implications, I would be laughing in your face , Riddle. How is it that the Slytherin Prince reduced himself to partaking in such loathsome muggle poetry?" The scorn remained in my eyes and Riddle glared at me, his lips pressed in a thin line.

" I will choose to look past your supposed taunt , (Y/N) . Be grateful, those who insult me seldom go unpunished. Having said that, " he put his hand on my back and gave me a gentle but firm push as he entered the room with me. " only fools distinguish literature and poetry based on who writes it. Their value lies in the message behind them, the exquisite language used , the idea that gave rise to such a creation and also the plot in the case of a story. "

We were now inside the room and I quickly scanned the room for any apparent danger before reminding myself that the most dangerous object was safely seated in his pocket. The room was not unlike the Slytherin common room, being mostly themed in dark green and various symbol of snakes , even the fireplace had made an appearance in one end of the room and in front of it were two sofas.

Excuse me, one sofa and one throne. Though I hate to admit it, the throne had an alluring regality to it and I had the strongest temptation to go and sit on in defiance. Sighing lightly , I turned back to him only to find him observing me intently.

" So this is the room you've been pestering me about?" I asked him, folding my arms . He had walked up to the throne and was tracing the small , intricate designs of skulls on the throne. He looked at me again , still tracing the cranium of one of the larger skulls.

" What do you think? Is this what you thought it would be like inside?"

" It's rather empty and I haven't much fondness for skulls and snakes. In short, I am disappointed."

" Now, now"  he gave me a sly smile." Don't lie to yourself, you especially liked the skulls and snakes. I saw the admiration in your eyes so it's a bit too late to deny it. "

" Did you call me for judging the interior design of this room? Then I think my job here is done."

He chuckled darkly and proceeded to sit on the throne. A king, that's what he wanted to be, the authority over every witch and wizard was apparently rightfully his to claim and now he wishes to show that very dominance before me , so I may spill all my secrets.

Heh. Good luck Riddle.

He motioned me to sit on the sofa in front of him and I calmly walked towards it and made myself comfortable. This conversation would be gruelling so I might as well relax as much I can before it came. Putting my hand in the pocket in my robe , I fiddled with my wand . Should the need for a duel arise, I shall be prepared.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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