Very Funny, Mr Sorting Hat

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"It happened so fast,I didn't even register half the things that happened" she began, "I am as you can see a muggle born, and my parents weren't really comfortable with what I could do and hence decided that it would be best to keep me under wraps and so they did. As far as I can remember we've always been on the run and I have been isolated from the wizard kind. I didn't mind though, they were lovely parents.. I wouldn't have given them up for the world. "

" Were? "interjected Dumbledore.

" They... they are dead. Murdered.  Grindelwald's followers didn't see it fit to be careful enough and fired at another person, I presume a wizard, who barely escaped. But mom... And dad.. "
And (Y/N) burst into tears.

Dippet grumbled about the Dark Wizard and his ways while Dumbledore gently patted her back, comforting her with kind words.

(time skip)

" So you have absolutely no idea how you came here? "asked Dippet.

(Y/N) shook her head." The last thing I remember is seeing the-the bloodied body of my parents after which there was a sharp pain on my side and then everything went black. "

" Hmm. I will consider this and let you know, but for now rest. It's very important for you after what you've been through. Sleep child. "Dippet smiled warmly before heading out and Dumbledore followed his lead.

(Y/N) let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She sighed and facepalmed at how gullible the teachers were. No wonder Riddle danced his way to the restricted section.

Of course, her parents haven't died but it would be practically impossible to reach out to them from this realm and that would raise unwanted questions.

Killing them in her sob story was much easier.

Someone give me an Oscar already, I deserve it!

Laughing at her own thoughts, (Y/N) carefully shifted to a more comfortable position when suddenly a thought drained all the color from her face.

"Can I do magic at all?"
She looked around her warily. No one. Good.

She frowned as she remembered that she didn't have a wand either. Well, wandless magic it is.

She spotted a fruit basket a couple of beds away from her decided to try a simple spell. She lifted her hand and took a deep breath.

"Accio apple!! "

She grinned from ear to ear as the apple came flying towards and she caught it.


Aah the sweet taste of success...

(time skip)
"Miss wake up!"

Slowly rubbing her eyes she sat up and saw that this time she had only Dumbledore as a visitor and in his hand was..

"this is the sorting hat, Miss..?"

"(Y/N) (L/N) sir"

"Well I hadn't introduced my self properly the last time"  His eyes twinkled. "I am professor Dumbledore, teacher of transfiguration and also the Headmaster of Gryffindor, one of the Four houses of Hogwarts. The others are Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin .Every student is sorted into one of these houses and the decision is taken by this sorting hat. Now if you will, "

He placed the hat on her head.

" Oh hello traveller of worlds"  she heard the hat's voice say in her head.

"please don't tell anyone!"

"No, no, of course not! Why would I rid the castle of a valuable young addition? Eh? Anyhow... Hmmm... I see, I see... So many qualities but not for Hufflepuff. Too kind and sweet for your type. Then is it Gryffindor? I see bravery.. Aah yes but along with it an unbreakable ambitious mind ready to absorb all knowledge given to it.
Hmm I think for your purpose, Slytherin will suit you the best. "

" WHAT? NO WAY! I would like to live long Mr Hat! "

" and you will , why worry? "

" I am a muggle born witch.. Who will be going to Slytherin. That's a big 'I-don' t-care' banner in Salazar's face , don'tcha think? "

" And do you care? "

" for my life, yes. "

" Don't you worry (L/N).. You are a powerful witch and if you put your mind to it, you can do even the impossible and perhaps love even the unlovable and change - "

" Woah woah.. Hold up where did the last line come from? "

" from the sorting hat"

"argh.. Anyway I think we took too long. Professor looks a bit worried"

Dumbledore looked slightly disappointed, it was pretty evident but nonetheless congratulated her , smiled and left.


(Y/N) P. O. V

The evening gave way to a dark starless sky and soon silence fell as the castle fell asleep.

Except for me.

Twenty four hours. Twenty four hours since I had ended up here and I was this close to losing it.


Sighing , I tried again to fall asleep but in vain.





Footsteps. Who would be out now and why on earth is the person coming towards the infirmary?





I sat up in my bed and stared at the door, waiting for the person to walk in.

And when he did, it would be the understatement of the century to say that I was surprised.

The dim candle light that cast a warm glow on his face, contradicted the coldness of his heart that he concealed so perfectly. Neat wavy hair, with a few locks falling on his forehead and deep dark magnetic eyes like an abyss that stared into your soul, his towering height making him seem even more invulnerable and powerful.

And I heard myself whisper

".. Tom Riddle? "

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