Diagon Alley

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This is awkward.

At the moment I was walking with Dumbledore and Riddle, who were deliberately ignoring each other.....and in the process also the person in the middle - a.k.a me. Note to self, never go anywhere with these two together.

Sighing I tried to start a conversation with Riddle.

"What kind is your wand Mr Riddle?"
His head turned abruptly towards me in what I assumed shock before a small smirk played on his lips.

"Mr Riddle? "

"Just Riddle sounds rude."

" Well just Riddle will suffice."

"Just answer my question."

"13½", Yew, phoenix feather core"


He glanced at me from the corner of his eye before looking straight ahead.

"Doesn't silence sit well with you?"

"Not when it's a tense one. Feels like calm before the storm"

He smirked lightly but reverted back to the poker face. Oh well, I tried. First stop was Ollivanders , then was books and lastly robes and uniform. I really don't think I will be able to get a pet. Not to mention that I don't have a single penny on me and Dumbledore is paying for everything.

" I am extremely sorry for the trouble Professor , I really don't know how to thank you. I owe you a lot.."
Don't roll your eyes Riddle!

"You're not causing me any trouble Ms (L/N). If anything, I am really glad that I am able to help you. Aah! We're here !" Dumbledore motioned towards the said wand shop.

I inhaled deeply, this was it, I am actually going to own a real wand! I looked at Dumbledore who nodded encouragingly and then to Riddle. I was surprised to see a small ( by small I mean extremely small) hint of warmth in Riddle's eyes. He looked as though he was nostalgic, probably remembering his first visit to Ollivanders. Then his eyes met mine and they turned back to being cold and distant.


Huffing I entered the shop and looked around when I saw no one at the counter.
There were various boxes stacked away and I marvelled at the thought that each of them would one day belong to a certain witch or wizard who perhaps haven't even been born yet.
" Hello little witch. Here to choose your wand?"

I yelped not having expected anyone and saw an old man standing in one corner . He finished placing a few boxes onto a shelf and then walked over to the counter. He peered down at me before narrowing his eyes.

" You are not a first year."

" No I am not. I've just been through a lot and that delayed everything. There will be a wand for me right?" I asked him, casting a worried glance at the wands around me. There's got to be one for me...

" Of course , no student has ever returned empty handed and neither will you. Here, try this one." And he handed me a long greyish wand with twines at its hold . Not going to lie, it was really beautiful. The moment I held it and gave it a flick, a wave of warmth and giddy happiness passed through me. I smiled at Mr Ollivander but he looke surprised and even worried.

"Well that has never happened before..." He mumbled to himself but I heard it anyway.

However, before I could ask him anything he handed me another wand. Huh? Didn't I already choose one? Nevertheless I gave this one a flick too.
I was shocked when the same feeling of giddy happiness passed through me again. I looked at Mr Ollivander who seemed to lost in thought.

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