Little Miss know it all

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After finishing our breakfast, we made our way towards the dungeon again where the Potions class was located. Oh ,did I say we? Sorry, my bad.

My housemates had formed groups and were walking ahead of me and I was walking all alone. So the we didn't apply to me.

So mature of you guys , really... Bravo.

And that's not even the worst part. These groups have a tendency to morph into sloths, so now not only are you moving excruciatingly slow but  also you cannot overtake them because they are matter and occupy this crucial thing called space.

Wish they didn't.

I stepped into the class and sat down alone on one of benches in the front and watched quietly as the rest of the students poured into the dark room , none of them sparing even a glance at me. Not the Slytherins atleast. I numbly took out my books but paused when I felt someone's gaze boring holes in the back of my head. I swiftly turned my head back and noticed that the entire Tom gang was staring at me, even Tom. I raised an eyebrow and mouthed a "what?" to which I received no response apart from few of their gazes flickering between Tom and me.

"Hello!" A soft , clear voice startled me out of my staring contest Riddle. I turned to look at a brunette girl , with big brown eyes and long dark eyelashes with further defined its beauty . She had a tanned complexion, with thick black straight hair tied in a half pony tail and her robes told me that she was a Gryffindor. "Hello!" I replied smiling back to which she gasped. " So it is true!"


"That the new pretty Slytherin is not the least bit obnoxious!"

" Oh! Well ,yeah ....I suppose. Wait , pretty ? And  there are rumours concerning me?"

"Of course you're pretty! And as for the rumours, there's literally no end to them.Do you mind if I sit here ?"

I laughed and shook my head. " Don't you? I am a Slytherin after all and the relationship between our houses isn't exactly the epitome of friendship."

She grinned and sat down " I don't believe in stuff like that. What matters is that we are students of Hogwarts and that alone should unite us. Anyhow, I am Angelica Macmillan." She said thrusting her hand out for a hand shake and I took it ,grinning brightly at her.

"(Y/N) (L/N). It's a pleasure."

"Oh no, the pleasure is all mine"

We broke into an easy and free conversation, me all the more aware that I was under close scrutiny of a certain Prefect.

"Morning students!" Greeted Slughorn as he walked through the door and I noticed him glance at Tom before giving him a subtle nod. Tom returned the gesture, smiling like the polite little student he seemingly was and proceeded to smirk at his followers ; probably at the naivety of the professor .

I turned in front just as Slughorn shifted his attention to me . "Well, Miss (L/N)! I am glad that your very first class is one where I get to teach you! Hope that by the end of it you will share the same love and curiosity for the subject as me. Potions is one of the most complex yet captivating subjects that will never cease to amaze you ." He grinned at me , his eyes sparkling as he talked about his own subject, his honest love for it blatant.

I smiled back " I can't wait Professor."

"Very well, today we will be reviewing how to brew the strengthening potion. Miss (L/N),  let's see if you have been doing any reading, tell me whatever you know of the strengthening potion, anything is fine. " He looked at me expectantly.

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