Tom Riddle?

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The said boy froze but only just before he strode over to my bed.

What does he want and that too in the middle of the night?

He looked down at me and smiled, though it did not reflect in his eyes. "How do you know my name?"

Forcing myself to be calm I matched his cold gaze with a calm nonchalant one.
"Anyone who has spent a good amount of time here would have heard about Tom the Great Riddle and if you are unlucky then also the love proclamations about how they would die for him. Besides, I had been told that a Slytherin prefect would come to brief me on Hogwarts so I was expecting you anyway since you are the favourite and perfect student around here. "

He had not changed his expression though his eyes now showed hints of amusement.

" You have rather keen eyes and sharp ears, Lady Blood. "

That name again.

" It's (Y/N) (L/N). None of the lady or blood business "

He furrowed his brows slightly. Probably noticed that I am not a pureblood.
" You..are a muggleborn?" He enquired, concealing his disgust .He did it pretty well, not gonna lie.

" And my blood type matters to you because?" I raised an eyebrow slightly.

" No reason" he said coldly before looking me straight in the eye.

Ahh crap. Legilimency. And I happened to be ignorant of occulomancy,

Lucky me. Oh well...

"I know I have pretty eyes Riddle .You don't have to stare that hard!" I said smirking at him.

Tom apparently hadn't heard me or had chosen to ignore me and continued looking into my soul( exaggeration but it sure feels like it).

"Hey Riddle!Cut it out! That's creepy!" I snapped at him and only then did he break that intense stare.
"You are gifted at occulomancy miss (l/n).Did you know that?" He said breezily giving me a sidelong glance. No, I absolutely did not know that.

No squealing. No squealing.

"Oh ? And what were you doing? Testing me?" I asked looking up at him , forcing myself to be calm. Just why was he so tall?

"Who am I to test you? Besides anyone who has magic is worthy being taught magic. You are no exception."

"Wow. Such a liberal Slytherin."

"And you seem to be under a contrary notion about your fellow house mates before you even met them."

"I've met one." And that's more than enough.

"Oh?And who might that be?"


His eyebrows shot up when he realised that I thought he hated muggleborns.

"You think I hate muggleborns?"

"I don't think so. I know so."

You tend to know certain things when the person you're talking to has been the villain of your book series. But Tommy here doesn't have to know that.
He studied me carefully before offering the most charmingly cold smile I have seen and said
"And you think you know me?"

I gulped. His icy tone could freeze the blood in my blood vessels and I would not be surprised. The silver moonlight coming through the window shone on his face and one of his irises turned into a lighter, stormy shade of blue, its pupil, reduced to a small dot. Somehow that eye was more frightening than its darker counterpart hidden in the shadow on his face. Perhaps the comfort was in the fact that I couldn't see it staring at me.

"No Riddle, I do not know you, but I hope to. Sorry, the comment was callous on my part."

His shoulders relaxed ever so slightly and he gave me a smirk." I like you, Miss (L/N)."


I almost scoffed at his statement but stopped myself just in time. I don't necassarily need to be crucioed on my first night in Hogwarts.

"No you don't. Look here Riddle, you maybe used to being an owl but I am not. I do feel sleepy at night. So if you're going to keep me up for no reason then I am going back to sleep." I snapped at him. I do not like liars even if the liar has a very nice face.

"Of course, how careless of me to keep an injured patient up at night. I'll take your leave .Night miss (L/N)" he flashed another smile before walking out of the infirmary.

As his footsteps faded away I fell back on my bed. He came here to check something. Something about me. Did he find what he was looking for? However before I could ponder more about it, I fell asleep again.

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