What An Uneventful Night..

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I looked back one last time as I opened the door of my dorm. My dorm mates were still fast asleep. Good.

I quietly shut the door behind me and walked towards the common room , trying to minimise the sound of my footsteps. I must mention here that sneaking out at night had now become a daily habit of mine and I cannot say that I regret it. It feels almost surreal to walk through an empty castle , so dead at night , showing almost no signs of life where in reality it houses thousands of students. I am often unsuccessful though. There's absolutely no chance that other Prefects will come anywhere near the dungeon, Riddle made sure of that but in places like the Astronomy tower or the courtyard( my favourite spots), you may find a Hufflepuff or Gryffindor Prefect giving rounds. However , if by chance I find them absent, I spend all night watching the stars.

Yeah you may think, all this just to look at the night sky?

Well yes. And it's absolutely worth it. There are no city lights here and for once the night sky looks pitch black like it is supposed, dotted by the twinkling stars , sparkling like diamonds alongside a silver moon , till the rising sun outshines them all and they fade away, quietly waiting for the cloak of darkness to envelope us again so they can light our way once more.



Anyhow, I am often tempted to go to the library but then I remind myself that Riddle is always there so nope , no library. Atleast that's where I used to think he was , until now. I had slightly opened the door to the common room and peeked, not really expecting anyone (as usual) when my eyes fell on the large group standing and talking amongst themselves. I barely caught myself from stumbling backwards in shock.

Regaining my composure, I focused on what they were talking in whispers about and who these night owls were.

In the middle stood Abraxas , eyebrows slightly creased as he stared at the floor, lost in his thoughts. Surrounding him were Avery, Mulciber ,Rosier, Nott and lastly Lestrange . Avery was whispering frantically to Rosier and from what I caught on , Riddle had asked them to meet him in the seventh floor and that under no circumstances should they be caught or followed.

Mulciber, who looked slightly annoyed ,nudged Abraxas ,shaking him out of his thoughts.

" Shouldn't we be leaving?" He asked.

"Mulciber, lower you voice" hissed Avery , his eyes darting around.

Mulciber rolled his eyes ."Or what, the Bloody Baron will hear me?"

"We shouldn't keep Tom waiting for long. You know what happens when we are late, Abraxas." Whispered Rosier with an unnaturally grim expression and I noticed all of them grimace at the mere mention of the referred memory. I suppose they had all been crucio-ed and I almost felt sorry for them. Almost.

Abraxas who had been quiet all this time sighed
" Yes, I know Rosier, I have been waiting for the Gryffindor Prefect to finish her rounds. She has been alloted the seventh floor and tends to stay there for a very long time. However, she should have been done by now. Come on, let's go and don't make noise."

They hurried out of the room without bothering to glance back at the girls' dorm door that swung open almost as soon as they'd turned to leave. Remember when they said they were not to be followed? Yeah, that just went out window.

I pushed open the door just in time to see the robes of one of the boys flutter behind him as he turned at the end of the dark corridor. I removed my shoes and jogged, afraid of losing sight of them all together. I reached the end and peeked from behind a pillar, making sure to hide myself in the shadows and watched the boys who in turn were hiding from someone, a prefect probably.

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