Friendly fiend

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It has been a week since I had ended up in Hogwarts and I must say , that excluding interactions with sympathetic teachers and an enthusiastic Angelica, conversations were little to none. My house mates steered clear from me and I from Tom Riddle. Life was absolutely peachy and perhaps a little too , normal?

So you can gauge my shock when Abraxas Malfoy sat down beside me (I couldn't tell if he was under the Imperius curse ), during breakfast , on a fine Monday morning.
Which also, fun fact ,happens to be now.

He played with some bread crumbs, muttering Merlin knows what to himself and did his best to ignore the blatant awkwardness of the situation, but the flush on his cheeks and tinted ears gave him away. I gaped at him, trying to make sense of the situation and it's utter ridiculousness but all in vain.

Finally after clearing his throat innumerable times, he quietly said "Hello."

"Hello? Really Malfoy?" I asked, exasperated at his weird behaviour.

He glanced at me and quickly looked away.

"It's better than nothing."

" Aye, but from you I'd rather have nothing at all."

He gave me a look that said you're not helping and sighed.

"First of all," he inhaled deeply. " I would like to offer you my sincerest apology for how I've treated you during the past week. "

I choked on my pumpkin juice , but he... Oh he wasn't done yet.

"And I would like us to be.....friends."

Now I choked on plain water .

"What the hell Malfoy?" I glared at him , wiping my mouth with my handkerchief." Are trying to kill me?"

He gulped and shook his head quickly.

" No ,no, I really just want us to be friends."

I scrutinized him . He looked sincere alright, but that's not how Malfoys work or any of Tom's underlings work. I looked past him at the Slytherin Prince ,who was reading a book ( Wow that's an impressively large book. I want to rea- wait what? Nevermind.)

And just like that his piercing blue eyes met with mine, then shifted to Abraxas for a second, then nonchalantly went back to reading again.

I looked at Abraxas again. "Why ?" I asked sharply.

" Well, I wanted to see why we discriminate mud- I mean muggleborns so much. What makes them so different that they have to be trampled under our feet like that."

" So you want to find faults and then justify your actions."

"No! I just wanted to set aside the difference once and see how it works out."

I mentally scoffed . None of Riddle's followers were bothered by this conversation, actually... they seemed a little too indifferent. The only ones who had disgusted looks on their faces were the ones that were not a part of the future death eaters.

I smiled slowly at Abraxas. Hmm, all Tom's ploy huh?

Ignoring Tom's obvious stare at the both of us, I held out my hand " Very well Malfoy, I shall help you on you noble quest but on one condition."

He raised his brow expectantly.

" You can never ask me about my past, or try to research my background. If I want to, I will tell you of my own accord . Deal?"

He looked slightly put off by it but agreed nonetheless and gripped my hand in a firm handshake.

I glanced at Tom again. His eyes were on the book now but the smirk in the corner of his lips told me what I needed to know.

"Isn't this a sight." Came a dry comment from behind us. We looked back to find Angelica who was busy glaring at Malfoy.

"A boy who has treated her in the worst way possible, suddenly wants to be her friend. Wonder why?" She drawled out sarcastically.

I bit my lip to prevent the burst of laughter that was threatening to erupt as the Malfoy heir turned pink once more. However this was not because of awkwardness , was it?

"Now, now ,calm down Angel. I'll be with you in a minute. Just give me some time to complete this."

"You don't have to."


"Fine" she gave a long dramatic sigh. " You have one minute. Not a second more." And she gave Abraxas a warning look before heading out of the great hall.

I turned to look at Malfoy who was staring at Angelica as she walked out.

"So, the great Abraxas Malfoy has little crush, eh?" I teased, as he turned towards me abruptly.

"What ?! No ! Besides, there are far more prettier girls than her in Slytherin who would do anything to be with me.Why would I still want her? "

"Because" I stood up gathering my books " the heart wants what it wants, Malfoy."

He froze and looked at me " What?"

"Nevermind, you won't get it. Anyhow, so long my dear friend, I shall talk to you again after class."

And with that I too headed out.

Lost in your mindजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें