Chapter 18

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"I'm not sure if you should answer it." Draco gave me a nervous look. "I know... I could ask Venuma to tell me who it is? She knows of some weird tunnels that loop around the school." Emelia nodded. "Chamber of secrets." I crouched down to where Venuma was sleeping under the bed.

"Venuma, we need your help." She stirred. "What is it snakeling?" She looked up, her beady black eyes full of concern. "We need you to tell us who is at the door." She slithered out from her place next to me and went next to one of the walls. "I will be back soon," She hissed at me before slithering away.

"She should be back soon. Until then we will just have to listen to the idiot pounding at our door."

Venuma came back a few minutes later. "It is the professor. I believe her name is McGonagall?" I raised an eyebrow. "Why would she be there?" Emelia shrugged. "I'm going to open the door. Hadian, you and Draco stand next to me and keep your wands ready." I nodded and walked over beside Emelia.

As soon as she opened the door, I held up my wand. Pointing it directly at her face. "What do you want?" I growled. She raised her hands in defense. "Just give me a few seconds of your time." I huffed. "Fine. You get 5 minutes." She nodded. "I have figured out what dumbledore has been doing and I want to leave his side."

I frowned. "How do I know you're not lying." She shook her head. "I have information that will be crucial to defeat Dumbledore. I have found out a few weaknesses and I know you can make use of them." I turned my attention to Emilia and went into our mental connection.

"WHat do you think? Should we do this?" She sighed. "I'm not sure. I can't sense anything about her... I can't see anything bad." I nodded. "Alright. Let's do this." I went back to reality and stared at McGonagall for a few seconds before nodding. "Alright. I don't necessarily trust you, but I believe you. What information do you have on Dumbledore?"

She took out a piece of paper from her robes and held it in front of me. "Here is a list of things that will be useful." I looked at the paper skeptically before deciding to take the paper from her hands.

That was a mistake.

I swear I need to update more. Life has been a shitstorm of emotions and sad occurrences.
Sorry it took a while, I'm trying to update more and I'm already almost done with the next chapter (Chapter 19) and woah it's gonna be an interesting chapter.

Sorry this chapter was short. I just wanted to get something published.


Luv you guyz!

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