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My happy daze didn't last long, as I realized what I had just done. Even though I felt he deserved it, Vernon had been right. murder was illegal. "Shit" I mumbled. I frantically looked around, trying to find something to use to cover up uncle vernon's massive body. I grabbed a branch that had fallen down nearby, and dragged it over him. Then i walked out of the park. Wiping my bloody hands on my black jeans.

I walked back to the bus stop, and started waiting for the bus to arrive. Finally, about 20 minutes later, It came. The door opened and I walked up the stairs onto the bus. I handed the man the money and sat down in one of the open seats. Next to me was a girl with buck teeth and VERY bushy hair. She looked over at me and smiled. "Hello. My name is Hermione Granger, what's yours?" She asked kindly. "My name is harry potter" I answered. Her eyes widened. "Say your name again..?" she said with an uneasy voice. "Uh... Harry Potter?" I said, slightly confused. She whispered something which i couldn't make out, then looked up at me. "Are you a wizard?". Well that was blunt. I said in my head. "Why?" she looked hesitant to respond. "Um... I am...and there's a really famous guy in the wizarding world whose name is Harry Potter. And you also have the scar" she said gesturing to my forehead.

I finally nodded. "Yeah... I am.. But it would have been very awkward if I wasn't" She laughed, which sounded more like a snort. "Yeah. Anyways, sorry for the weird introductions..." She said, and I smiled. "It's fine".

Venuma was awake by this point. "Snakeling, who is this?" she hissed. "She is my new friend. Her name is hermione." I hissed back. I looked up to see her shocked face. "You can speak to snakes???" she shouted. "SHHH! You're gonna tell the whole bus!" I whisper shouted. "Oh don't worry about that, I put a charm around us so only we can hear each other. No one knows what we're talking about." She said."now anyways, who's the snake?" She asked, gesturing to the small snake slithering around my neck. "Her name is venuma." She nodded. "Well she's very pretty." hermione stated. If snakes could blush, that would be venuma. "I like her snakeling". I laughed. "Venuma likes you" Hermione's face lit up. "Really??" I snorted at her excited expression. "Yeah really. Wanna hold her?" She nodded aggressively, and put out her arm. "Be nice to her." I hissed "Of course snakeling"

After about 30 minutes of friendly chats and Hermione obsessing over Venuma, The bus was at my stop. "Well, this is my stop." I said slightly sad. I had just met someone who didn't think i was a freak, and i had to leave her already... I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her say "its my stop too!" There are those happy feelings again! We both got up, said thanks to the bus driver and headed outside. "So where are you going anyway?" I asked suddenly. "Well there's this place called diagon alley. I just got my Hogwarts letter, and I need to get some stuff for classes." she said. "Cool! I was accepted into Hogwarts as well!" She beamed, then repeated my question. "So where are you going?". "I have to help venuma. She is injured. She told me to find this place called the leaky cauldron, and ask for a man named tom. " She looked shocked. "No way... The leaky cauldron is where the entrance to diagon alley is! So we can stick together!" I laughed at her tone of voice. "Yup!" She stopped moving and looked up at me.

"We're here"

When Demons are Lied to {Drarry}Where stories live. Discover now