Chapter 16

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Hadrian P.O.V

"Sev, how long till we get there?" I heard Emelia whine. I chuckle. "So impatient." She huffed. "It was just a question!" I laughed. "Hey Sev, could me and draco have a room to ourselves?" He nodded. "I've already made arrangements for you and Dace, as well as Emelia and Pansy." He said in a monotone voice.

He used that voice when talking to students. He thought it was funny when the students would shiver at his ice cold demeanor. I rolled my eyes. "Thanks." I walked towards Draco. "So, my beautiful mate... How has your first day at Hogwarts been?" I brushed my thumb against his cheek. "Sap... and this place is really weird. Kinda old fashioned and tacky."

I chuckled. "Leave it to a malfoy to notice the decor." Draco huffed and lightly smacked my arm. I smiled at the pout he was wearing, but my happiness soon turned to pain as I felt a throbbing burn sear through my veins. "AAAH!" My scream echoed through the hallways.

"Oh my god Hades, what's wrong!!!" Emilia rushed up to me, placing her hand on my arm, with draco sprinting to grab Snape. I didn't answer. Visions of a mop of ginger hair running through my brain. "R-Ron... He needs help... Not... Not his choice..." I writhed in pain as I watched Ron get tortured again.

"What? What's going on?" Snape came rushing up with draco beside him. "He fell fell over and now he's going on about how Ron weasley is in danger!" I shivered. "Ron.. We... Requirements.... He... go..." I knew I wasn't able to form sentences, but I tried to make it known.

For some strange reason, I felt the need to help him. I felt the need to get him out of the situation he was in.

Emelia's P.O.V

I watched as Hadrian thrashed around, repeating Ron's name. "Hadrian... It's Mia. It's ok. Come back to me..." I said into our mental connection. I let out a breath when his breathing slowed and his shaking stopped. "We need to get to ron. He's in the Room of requirements being tortured. He didn't want to be on Dumbledore's side but he was forced to."

"I trust you Hades..." I mumbled before I shot up along with Hadrian and rushed towards the room.

Hardian P.O.V

I watched as Emelia got up and began running to the Room of requirements, and I got up slowly and followed her there. "I don't hear any voices?" I heard Emilia whisper as she put her ear next to the door. "We can't see inside..." I murmured. "I can't open the door, It's locked... I tried alohomora..." Emilia could see the panic in Emelia's eyes.

"You guys are the heirs to hogwarts.... Can't you ask Hogwarts to open the door?" I nodded at my mate's idea. "Good idea my beautiful mate." I pecked his lips lightly. "Mia, do you want to do it? Or should I?" She pointed at me. "You can do it." I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Um, hogwarts? Can you open this door?" I said in my mind. I shuttered when I felt a wave of power rush through my body. "It's open!" Emilia tapped me on the shoulder. "Thank's hogwarts." I whispered before running into the classroom.

My eyes widened at the sight before me.

"Oh my god..."

Hey guys! Sorry it's a short chapter, but I wanted to get it out as soon as possible. Please let me know if there are any typos or your ideas on how I could improve my story. I really enjoy writing this story and I want you guys to enjoy it to, so let me know your ideas!

Luv you guyz!


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