Chapter 6

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(Mentions of Rape, But no details. I Never go into details with sexual assults in my stories.)

Once we were out of the building, I Unleashed Hermione's hand. "Sorry about that" I said sheepishly. "Oh nonsense it's quite alright. Anyway, we need to look for school stuff" She said. Yeah, I guess that's true. I thought to myself. Now it was Hermione's turn to drag me around. "We need to go to Gringots." She said hurriedly. "Why?" I asked confused. "We have to pay for stuff yah know." I mentally slapped myself. Duh. "let's get going then." I said. She nodded, and started dragging me along.

Finally we reached a beautiful building. On the front it said

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

I gulped. "That kinda terrifying" I said quietly. "Yeah no kidding... But we have to go in there..." She whispered back. We both took a deep breath and walked in. We looked around us, taking in the beautiful gold art pieces decorating the walls. We walked up to the front desk. "Hi, we need money from our vaults?" Hermione said to a very odd looking creature. "Do you have your key?" he said coldly. We both shook our head. "It there any other way?" He nodded his head. "Yes. A blood test. Follow me Please." He said.

He opened a door to a medium sized room, with a table in the center. He handed us both knives and 3 pieces of paper. Then he said "Put three drops of blood on each parchment, and wait." I slit my hand, and did as he said. I looked over to see hermione doing the same. We Both gasped as words started to appear on the paper. Once all the words were done forming, we read them. "Oh my god..." We both said at the same time. "What does this mean?" she asked me. "I don't know.."

Illegal adoption:

Name: Harry James Potter

Mother: Lily Potter nee Evans- dead

Father: James Potter- dead

Power level: grey

Creature inheritance: None




Heir to:



Birth Certificate:

Name: Hadrian Salazar Riddle

Mother: Bellatrix Riddle nee Lestrange

Father: Tom Marvolo Riddle

Sister: Emilia Nola Riddle

Power Level: Merlin

Creature inheritance: Demon/shadow dragon (Fathers side) Dominant


-Shadow Travel

-Fire Manipulation

-Air Manipulation


-Communicate with dragons

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