Chapter 13

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Hadrian P.O.V


I jumped out of bed. "Why? What's wrong?" Emelia gave me an innocent smile. I just wanted you to get out of bed." I groaned. "You didn't have to yell in my ear!" She laughed. "Well you have to get ready for the train! We leave in 1 hour for the station!" She shouted as she ran downstairs.

I mumbled a few cuss words as i got out of bed. Then the words she had said started to sink in. I jumped up, grabbed my stuff, and ran downstairs. "You already packed?" Tom said with a surprised face. I nodded. "I'm just excited. Just wait till Dumblefuck realizes he has two riddles in his school."

He chuckled. "Now Now my little snakeling. We musnt get ahead of ourselves." I sighed. I know. I'm just really excited. I want to be the one to kill him when the time comes, ok?" My voice has changed from light and happy to dominant and serious.

Tom jumped slightly, but nodded. "I turned around to see draco standing there. "Why hello there my beautiful mate." I said as I kissed his hand. He blushed. "Ew, PDA!" I heard Emelia shout from behind me. I laughed. "Just wait till you find your mate."

Lucius and Narcissa came down the stairs. "You guys ready to go?" Lucius asked. I nodded. I ran up and hugged Tom and Bellatrix, before running to lucius and grabbing his robe.

I hated Apparating. It made me feel queasy. I opened my eyes and realised it was over. I looked up at the signs and saw that there wasn't a 9 ¾. There was a nine and ten. "Where is platform 9 ¾?" I asked Narcissa. She pointed to a wall. "Run towards that wall. You will go straight through it." I looked at the wall, slightly skeptical.

"I'll go first if you would like?" Draco whispered in my ear. I nodded. With that, he ran towards the wall, and disappeared. I decided to do the same. I ran towards the wall, closing my eyes so I didn't have second thoughts. I opened my eyes when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see Draco smiling at me. "You did a good job." I blushed.

"Let's get you guys on the train. Ok?" Narcissa said. I nodded. I grabbed my luggage and boarded the train. I found an empty compartment, and sat inside, waiting for Draco. "Hey Hadrian!" Emelia said as she walked in the room. "Hey Mia. Do you think your mate will be at Hogwarts?" She shrugged. "I don't know... OH! By the way, I got us both phones so we can text each other during class. Although I am from a slytherin family, I think I am going to be in ravenclaw." She said. I nodded and smirked. "I could see a know-it-all like you being in ravenclaw." She smacked my arm.

I heard the compartment door open. "Her guys!" Draco said, sitting in the open seat beside me, snuggling against me. "Well hello to you too!" I laughed. Once again I heard the door open. Emelia's head shot up. "MATE!" The two of them shouted at the same time. I chuckled. "Looks like your mate is at Hogwarts."

She looked at her mate. She was a girl, with black short hair, and slightly tan skin. She had dark brown eyes. She had a curvy build. "Hello, I'm Pansy Parkinson. What's yours?" Emelia tucked her hair behind her ear. "I'm Emelia Riddle. Nice to meet you... mate" Pansy blushed.

I watched the two interact while caressing Draco's hair, when An obnoxious voice broke into our compartment. "I need to sit in here. Everywhere else is full." Ron shouted. I huffed. "Fine. but there's no need to shout." He pushed Pansy to the side, making her fall to the floor.

I saw Emelias eyes flash red."HOW DARE YOU!" she shouted. Thank god i had put up a silencing charm. She punched him in the face, and threw him out of the compartment. "Pansy, are you ok?" She asked, Helping her off the floor. "Yeah Mia, I'm fine." I huffed. "That's my nickname for her!" Pansy thought for a second. How about Emei?" She said. Emelia blushed and nodded. I could tell she liked that nickname.

The compartment door opened again, and i was going to shout for the person to get out, cuz i thought it was ron, but it wasn't. It was two people. One of the boys was on the fatter side, with buck teeth and brown hair. The other one was darker skinned, skinnier, but fit. "Hey, My name is blaise, and this is neville. Mind if we sit in here?"

I nodded. "You guys seem cool. So sure. We have three more empty spaces." They both sat down, and started talking to us like normal friends would. Stuff like, favorite food, favorite animal, and so on. I could sense that they were slightly uncomfortable. "What is it guys." They looked at me in shock. "Um... I hate being secretive and you guys seem trustworthy. Our parents hate it, but me and blaise are mates. I'm a Nymph, and he's a Vampire."

They both looked away. "Guys, there is no reason to be scared. We all have mates in this compartment. My mate is Draco and Emelias mate is Pansy. We are all friends and we all protect each other. You don't have to be scared." Blaise let out a sigh of relief. "That's a relief. We usually have to hide it from everyone."

The train came to an abrupt stop, and we all jerked forward. "I'm assuming we're here?" Neville said. I nodded. We had already changed into our uniforms, so we got off the train. "Four to a boat! Four to a boat!" A giant man was shouting. Emelia, Pansy, Blaise, Neville, Draco, and me all looked at each other and cringed.

Emelia, Pansy, Blaise, and Neville all got into one boat. Draco and me got into another boat, with two guys in it with us. "Hi. I'm Seamus Finnigun, and he is Dean thomas. Your dont want be friends with Malfoy. He's a snob. Be friends with us. We will help you." He put out his hand. I rolled my eyes. "No thanks." I said in disgust.

"You'll regret that." He said, voice dangerously low. I decided to do something that scares people away. "Leave me alone" I spoke to him in parseltongue. I had gotten a book on the language from my vaults. I also could control more of my creature side. I made my eyes glow, the pupils turning into slits like a snake.

Their faces had gone very pale and they had turned away. I let out a dark laugh. I looked up to see that we had arrived at the Front door. Students were getting out of the boats. Me and Draco finally found our friends, and stood. Waiting for someone to let us in. Suddenly, A very stern faced woman walked up to the front of the crowd.

"Welcome to Hogwarts students!"

Another chapter done!
Hope you enjoyed!
Luc you guyz!

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