Chapter 17

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Just a warning, this chapter is quite graphic, so if you don't want to read it, i'll put a note at the end saying what happened.

Hadrian P.O.V

I gulped down the lump in my throat when I laid my eyes on Ron. He was lying in the middle of the classroom, set on a table. His wrists and ankles were bound with a very obvious binding curse, bruises and cuts littered his body, and he was twitching violently.

I felt a soft breeze as Nevelle and Blaise rushed over to him, quickly picking him up and running back over to me. "We need to get to your room." I nodded and quickly hurried out of the classroom, Blaise, Neville, Draco, and Emelia close behind me.

Once I reached my room I quickly shut the door and conjured up an extra bed. "Lay him down here." I ordered as I quickly made sure my door was locked and cloaked with a silencing charm. "I-I-I s-sorry... p-p-please don't h-hurt me..." Ron's voice was raspy and quiet, signaling to us that he had been screaming.

"Hey, Hey, it's ok. We're not going to hurt you. You're going to be ok." Blaise and Neville both sat in the bed with Ron and cradled him in their arms. Their soft whispers of comfort seemed to calm Ron down enough to stop his shaking. "Mates?" Blaise and Neville nodded at my questioning words.

I nodded and walked over to ron. "Hold on guys. I need to heal some of his wounds. I can't heal them all because some of them are too intense to heal with one spell, and will take longer." I put my hand on Ron's head and closed my eyes, allowing some of my magic to transfer into his being.

When I opened my eyes again I saw some of the marks on Ron's body fade. "R-Riddle?" Ron's voice had seadied out slightly, making it easier for me to understand him. "Yeah. You're ok now."

He slowly looked around, taking in his surroundings. "W-where am i?" He let out a soft breath when Neville ran his fingers through his hair. "My room." He slowly sat up and turned his attention to Blaise and Neville. "Mates....?" He said it more of a question, but smiled softly when they nodded.

"You're safe now... You're ok..." He laid his head on Nevilled lap and let out a heavy breath. "Why did you help me...?" He muttered quietly. "Because I had a vision. It wasn't your fault." He nodded slowly, wincing slightly because the bruise on his neck hadn't fully healed.

"So... you're not going to hurt me? Or turn me into dumbledore?" I scoffed. We call him Dumbledoofus in this friend group." Despite what he had been through, he let out a short laugh. "Ok, so you won't turn me into Dumbledoofus?" I shook my head. "No. Somehow I know that you didn't have a choice."

He nodded slowly.

My attention to Ron was cut short by Emilia tapping my shoulder.

"There's someone at the door..."

(Summary of the chapter. Fairly boring explanation but meh)

They get ron back to hadrians room and heal some of his wounds. They figure out Ron is the third mate with Neville and Blaise. Hardian tells ron he wont hurt him. Then they hear a knock at the door.

Ok guys! I finally updated! It took me sooooooo long to figure out how to write this chapter and I finally did! I am actually semi-decently ok with this chapter so yay!

Luv you guyz!

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