chapter 2

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Harry pov

I was out of the house, running as fast as i could. I wanted to get as far away as from that hell hole as posible. I ran for 30 minutes straight, not looking back once. I stopped running when I saw a small snake slithering in the grass next to the sidewalk. It looked hurt, so i knelt down and asked "are you ok?" It stopped and weakly turned its head to look at me. "you're a speaker!"
the snake just talked! how? why? I had so many questions racing through my head, but one stood out more than the others. "are you injured?" i asked finally.
"yes... i am." i looked around myself, taking in my surroundings. "there's a park over there. Lets go over there. Would you like help?" i asked, putting my hand out. The snake looked at my hand, then my face, and then back to my hand again. "ok" it replied. Slowly, it made its way onto my hand. Once it was compltely on, i got up, and walked over to the park. I found a comfortable spot underneath a huge tree and sat down.
"im assuming you have questions?" the snake asked as it slithered onto the ground. "yes... yes i do....first of a;;, how can you talk?"
The snake looked slightly surprised. "you're special. Most people cannot hear my voive, only hisses." "how am i special?" i asked quietly. "first of all you are a wizard, and second of all you are a parselmouth."
I was shocked. "how am i a wizard! and what the hell is a parcelmouth???"
the snake sighed. "the first question is not something i can answer. What i CAN do, is ask you this. Have you ever been in situations where strange things happen? like something thats not 'supposed' to happen?" i though about it for a second. Yeah... stuff did happen like that! like how aunt petunia would shave off all my hair, and the next morning it would be back to its notmal length. Or how at school when someone was bullying me. they would somehow dissapear. "ok... i guess you have a point. But whats the answer to the second question? What is a parselmouth?". The snake sighed again. "people should tell you these things. Anyway, a parselmouth is a special person or wizard who can speak to all reptiles." I grinned "wicked"
It nodded, and then layed down. I then remembered that it was hurt. "what can i do to help?" "buy a bus ticket and take it to the city. When you get there there will be a place called the leaky cauldron. You must go through there. Ask for a man named tom." I nodded. "ok. also, you never told my your name." "my name is venuma" i nodded.
I was waiting at the bus stop with Venuma wrapped aroung my neck, when i heard a screech. I turned around to see what the noise was, but i stopped dead when i saw what it was.
A car had pulled up across the street from the bus stop.

It was uncle vernons car.

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