Chap.2Part.1 Alone Time

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It was around 6:30 pm now and Amy was sitting in her hospital bed while Shadow sat next to her in a chair and Silver and Blaze day across from her at the door of her bed.Silver was starting to does off while Blaze was talking,and Blaze knew it was time to head home.

"I hope you get better Amy..Please,Don't ever do that again..."Blaze looked at Amy worriedly.

"I won't.I promise."Amy smiled a small smile and Blaze did back.

Blaze then proceeded to wake Silver and say her goodbyes as they left the room.It was Just Shadow and Amy now..



Everything was quiet.Amy didn't know what to say or do.Shadow didn't either.But Amy decided to break the silence.

"Why do you care so much?"Amy mumbled.

"What?"Shadow looked over to his left at Amy.

She was looking out the window to her left at the gleaming city that was still bustling as the sun was readying to go down.

"You never cared about me until what's the big deal??"Amy said.

Shadow was silent for a second.

"I could say the same..Why did you even bother to help me when I passed out drunk on your porch?You could have just called Sonic or Silver.But you chose to bring me in to the comfort of your own home.."Shadow replied quietly.

"Don't try to do the reverse card on me!!I asked you first now answer my question!"Amy turned to Shadow with an angry face full of tears.

Shadow's eyes widened.He then grabbed Amy head and pulled her into a kiss.

"Stop!!"Amy pushed away.

"Because why the hell not!?Can't you see that you matter!You think that blue faker is your only purpose!?You are here for a reason wether you believe it or not, and it certainly is NOT Sonic!!"Shadow exclaimed as Amy stared at him with tears flooding from her eyes.

"You care about Sonic in a way he doesn't.Sure he makes you feel like the world is no longer able to bite you in the ass when your with him but it's obvious he doesn't feel the same way.You can't just let one person- or even a bunch of people bring you down because they're selfish and careless!Don't you ever question your existence.all that matters is that YOU matter.You May not think it but it's true and it always will be."Amy had a face of no words.

He then caressed her cheek softly and held her face in his hand.

"I care so much because I love you Amy.."Shadow looked into Amy's Relieved eyes.

Amy then shoved her face into Shadow's landing a kiss on him.She grabbed his face and kissed him for what seemed like an ever lasting haven.

Amy Always thought from ever since when Sonic saved her as a child that He was the one.She was right...but Sonic made it wrong.

With Sonic,

That's it for now guys!I'm so sorry I left you guys on a cliff hanger up there but there is some other stuff I would like to attend to!Idk if I told you wonderful people yet but this Story will have two chapters!Both have 10 parts!I want to thank you all for being patient with my short af parts and my long pauses of not continuing this dang story,and I hope you all have a great day/night and stay away from that coronavirus!^^

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