Part.8 Goodbye

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"You've got to be mental if you think I'm letting you go to Amy's house while she's alone!"
Sonic was running beside Shadow.

"I don't have time for your bullshit faker!I have to go make sure Amy's-"Shadow was cut off by Sonic punching him in the face.

"Shut up!I know why you want to go to Amy's house!And I'm not letting you!!"Sonic then threw another punch for it only to be caught by Shadow's hand.

Then they both stopped in there tracks in the middle of a field.Then began to fight.

"Why won't you listen!?I'm not trying to have my way with Rose!I just want her safe!!"Shadow speared Sonic on the ground.

"LIAR!I KNOW HOW YOU ARE SHADOW!!"Sonic then head butted Shadow and kicked him in the stomach.

"DAMN YOU!I'M TELLING THE TRUTH!!"Shadow kicked Sonic in the face and began to skate off until Sonic soon dashed him.

Then Silver found them fighting.

"GUYS!!Thats ENOUGH!!"Silver used his telekinesis to hold them in place.



"I'm not letting either of you go!Not until I get some answers!Sonic all you've been doing was interrupting Shadow to the point he can never explain!So Shadow tell me what's going on!"Silver demanded.

"Amy is in trouble!She was acting weird earlier and yesterday!And The FAKER has something to do with it!But right now,I need you to let me go Silver!please!"Shadow explained and begged.

"Ok,Shadow..I believe you.But I'm coming with!"Silver nodded and let Shadow go.

Although he kept Sonic frozen.

"SILVER!!LET ME GO!!"Sonic yelled struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Sorry Sonic!But it seems you've only been causing problems so I'm going to have to keep you here!"Silver apologized and flew off with Shadow.

Sonic was shocked and angry at Silver.But he couldn't do anything in Silver's telekinetic grasp.

Once Shadow and Silver came to May's house.Shadow began knocking on Amy's door frantically.

"ROSE!It's me Shadow!I need to speak with you!"Shadow yelled from outside.

Amy's Pov:

It was time.Sonic hadn't even called me today about the date.I don't care anymore.I just want to get this over with.Im tired of running after my happiness.I shouldn't even have to but,I can't live like this any longer.

Although,I did feel something when ever I was with Shadow earlier.But I don't know what it was and it only lasted for a short moment,and I know this pain will only come back again and again and again.

It's time to put an end to my life.

Jus as I was setting my note down to those who wanted to know why I killed myself,I heard someone knocking on my door,and a voice yelling my last name.


No.Shadow ain't about to ruin this for me.Im tired of living and I'm going to put a stop to it no interruptions.

I then stepped up on the chair I was using to help me up to the wired noose.

Third Person POV:

"That's it!"Shadow began kicking the door down.

"Damn!If only I had my damn emerald I could chaos control inside!"
Shadow thought.

"It won't budge!"Shadow exclaimed in anger.

"I've got this hold on!"Solver then used his telekinesis to unlock the door.

Amy's POV:

I had already slipped my head through the noose.I was ready to go.

"Goodbye everything..Goodbye world..Goodbye Sonic...Goodbye Shadow.."A tear fell from my face.

I don't know why I said Shadow But,I just felt he deserved a good bye.

I then took my last breath of air.And stepped off of the chair.

And I choked.

Third Person POV:

Once Silver unlocked the door,Shadow ran upstairs.He knew something was wrong and he had to find Amy.He tried opening the door but it was locked aswell.

At this point Shadow Kicked open the door.Once he stepped inside,

"ROSE!!!"Shadow Screamed in horror as he gazed upon her with fear.

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