Part.9 The Note

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Amy was choking from hanging on the noose.Just as Silver heard Shadow's scream he then saw Amy aswell.

"Oh my GOD!!"Silver panicked and just at that moment he let sonic go.

Sonic dropped in the middle of the field since silver was so focused on what was happening he stopped holding Sonic.

Once Sonic was free he ran all the way to Amy's house.

"NO!"Shadow ran to the chair and stepped up on it.

He then picked Amy up from hanging in mid air and got the noose from around her neck.She gasped,and coughed uncontrollably.

Shadow carried Amy to her bed as quick as he could and laid her down.

"Rose!Say something dammit!"Shadow begged in sadness.

Amy just continued struggling with her breathing.Soon she closed her eyes.

"R-Rose??"Shadow asked looking at her beautiful face which was now pale.

Amy then passed out.

Shadow sighed with a crack in his voice and held Amy's hand.

He breathed slowly trying to fight back his emotional state.Silver didn't know what to say.He Talked to Amy Sometimes,but when he did he never noticed anything unusual about her,and seeing that she just tried to commit suicide was...... shocking.

Silver looked at Amy and seen a piece of paper on her bed next to her.It had writing on it.Silver picked it up as Shadow had his head down and held Amy's hand struggling to keep Silver from hearing him cry softly.As Silver began reading what seemed like some type of note,Sonic ran in.

"You let me go so I came,Now wheres Am-"Sonic was cut off by seeing Amy laying in her bed looking lifeless as Shadow cried silently while holding her hand.

Sonic was so shocked he couldn't say anything either.

"W-what happened to her!?"Sonic exclaimed with horror in his eyes.

Silver was done reading the note.

"Gee I don't know Sonic,why don't you ask.."Silver scoffed in anger as sadness filled his heart.

Silver then shoved the note in Sonic's chest and walked out the bedroom.

"Sh-Shadow?What's going on?"Sonic asked worriedly.

Shadow didn't reply.He didn't have time to Answer Sonic's question.He wanted nothing to do with him at the moment.All he cared about was Amy.

Silver had called an ambulance while he stood in the hallway.

Sonic thought that maybe Shadow didn't want to talk to anybody, until silver said something.

"Shadow,I called the ambulance,their on their way over.."Silver said coming back into the room.

"Ok silver..thank you.."Shadow replied with a shaky voice.

Sonic realized Shadow was just giving him the silent treatment.

"Shadow!What the hell is going on?What's wrong with Amy!?"Sonic asked irritatedly.

"It's none of your fucking concern Sonic!And if you don't get out I'll make you!"Shadow turned his head and yelled at Sonic.

Sonic could see small tears forming in his eyes.And sonic knew that maybe it wasn't a good time to ask questions.

Sonic then seen Any's Face..It was so


He then remembered how Beautiful he thought Amy was.He really did care About Amy he just never really had the courage to express it.He wanted to hug her so bad.But If he even stepped another foot Shadow would probably try to beat the shit out of him.

Sonic backed off and left the two.

He walked Past Silver in the hallway as he glared at him.Sonic had a nervous look in his face as he looked down to the note in his hands.He began reading what supposedly Amy wrote,as he walked down the steps to the livingroom.


I'm so very sorry but I don't think I can continue any longer.I know This will hurt all of you,but it'll blow over soon whenever you all move on with your lives.

I am going to be straight forward,

I'm going to kill myself.

I know what your thinking,Why,Why would I do such a horrible thing!?I have a wonderful life!

no,Outisde of the adventures,hanging out,and all the other things I've done with all of you,I hurt.

I hurt inside and it kills me.

It's Unbearable.

I'm Very depressed,I've been proscribed Anti depressants by my doctor,but they aren't helping..

I've told him about it and he says he doesn't know why it's not working because usually they work.

But I know exactly why.

It's my feelings.

My feelings for Sonic.

I love him so much...He makes me happy and forget about everything bad and my depression.He is my Cure.Everytime I'm around him or even talking to him he makes me feel so much better.Even when I'm angry and yelling at him,He makes me feel like I'm worth it.


When he rejects my feelings..

Tells me to go away..

Runs from me..

It hurts me even harder than ever.

It's the worst pain I could ever feel.

The fact that my only purpose hates me.

I try everything to be happy and give my life a shot.But nothing works.I even found out that Sonic cancelled our date or "meeting" just so he could make out and confess his feelings to Sally.

I'm not angry at Sonic or Sally.

It's clear now.

I'm not worth anything.

What's the point of living alone all my life and suffer,when I can just get rid of it.

Goodbye Everyone I love you all.

And Goodbye Sonic.

Ps.Rouge if you get this,please know that Shadow isn't a bad guy..and he deserves a second chance.

-Love,Amelia Rosette."

(yes photo above is by me)

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