"Punkins'?" Erza asked in shock. "I know the parfum of that voice!" Ichiya said with his eyes wide and mouth hanging open. The King looked up shocked as I continued to giggle. "Huh? Uh. Aah." The king looked around before clearing his throat and resuming his stern facade, "Our fate is in your hands, wizards!" Everyone resumed cheering.

The bells rang as the clock struck twelve. I tilted my head looking at the moon. "It's a full moon. An ominous sign despite its beauty. It won't be long till all three align. The Sun, the Moon, and our planet. Gracing this world with a rare occurrence, an eclipse. The gate will be in prime condition for activation." I said quietly to myself. My mind felt in a trance, "It's July 7th, a day that holds significance to the dragons. A day dragons disappeared only for them to return." A searing pain entered my head as images flashed through my head of things I've never seen before. A time way before now. A festival of some sort, but not the kind one would think of. It was gruesome. Dragons fighting as well as people. Dragons fighting dragons. People fighting dragons. People fighting people. A man stood among the carnage as the sole survivor. I gripped my head clenching my eyes shut as a grunt left my mouth.

"Khaleesi?" "Hey! Kid?" The pain stopped as I regained awareness of my surroundings again. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "What the hell are ya talkin' about?" Laxus asked. "Huh? What do you mean? All I said was that there is a full moon. I looked over to see Gramps and Erza. "Kid, are you sure you're alright?" "You started to just ramble on about the future and despair." Erza commented looking worried. I looked down clutching my fist. "I don't really know what happened to be honest. It's weird I felt like I was going back in time. I saw images of a festival. The weird part was that it wasn't a cheerful occasion. It was gruesome. Dragon's were fighting, people were fighting. Nothing like what we have now. It's strange nothing like this has ever happened to me before. It's like I was there." I described. "Hmm. That is strange, my child." Gramps said with a hum in thought. "The Dragon King Festival." I looked over to Gajeel as he walked over to us. "Huh?" I asked in confusion. "You were talking about the Dragon King Festival. I don't know much about it, just that it was something that happened centuries ago. A war between Dragon's opposing the idea of human involvement against the Dragons in favor. All I know was that it was a blood bath and only one stood among the rest unscathed." Gajeel said crossing his arms.

"And who was that survivor?" I asked wondering if that was the man I saw. "Acnologia, the King of Dragons, himself. He transformed into a dragon after bathing in the blood of dragons." My eyes widened as my body trembled. He never told me about this. He never told me that he was originally a dragon slayer just like me. Is there more you're not telling me?

I was brought back from my thoughts as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Stop your worryin'. You've been thinking way too much into things lately." Gajeel said. I stayed silent but nodded my head. "All right kids, Fairy Tail will be guarding the center plaza." Gramps said. "But what about the rest of the guilds?" Warren asked."They'll all be on standby in other parts of the city." Max informed. Cana came up to Erza carrying a barrel, "You need to rest, Erza. We've got this." "I'll be fine." Erza reassured dismissing the issue.

I ignored the other banter looking up at the red moon, so the Eclipse has already started. I clenched my fists. "I'm not sure if that moon is a good omen." Freed commented. Laxus looked up as well, " The Eclipse. Fitting name." I turned my head looking towards the castle feeling the intense magic. I gritted my teeth. "So both Finley and I weren't able to stop it. Let's just hope Finley is near Lucy and Yukino." I heard the rumbling off in the direction of the castle. "What's that? Magic? From where?" Erza questioned. "It looks like it's comin' from the castle." Elfman voiced. "To be more specific the Eclipse Gate." I said. I heard the giant rumbles of its footsteps. I then heard the roar. I growled. "So, they're already here." The buildings next to us were destroyed. "One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight ...Nine...Nine Dragons. I counted nine. Only seven slayers are here currently...wait the eighth is on his way... That means someone will have to take two." I said thinking out loud.

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