Chapter 13: A Fearful Meeting!

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The U.S.J attack was finally over.

Izuku yawned loudly as his arms stretched over his head, raising his shirt over his abdomen for a brief second. He sat in his bed as he looked out the window tiredly. Due to the incident, U.A. had reasonably closed for a week. Giving Izuku time to handle some things, he needed to talk to his sensei's. The halfling got out of bed with another stretch, as he walked his way to his bathroom. After brushing his teeth and other hygienic things, he quietly made his way to his mother's room. He knocked once, then twice, but heard no response or even slight movement. 'Must've gone to work early." Izuku contemplated. With that, he made his way through his apartment until he arrived in his kitchen, where he promptly made a large meal fit for a Saiyan. After eating, he threw on his training gi, and raised his index and middle finger to his head, as he vanished into thin air. 

He appeared in the god world; it's crisp air and luscious green fields the same as always. It was strange, whenever Izuku was here, he felt at peace. As if he left all his troubles behind...

"Oh, Izuku! I wasn't expecting you!" A jovial voice called out to him. Izuku turned with a strained smile and rubbed the back of his head. "Uh, yeah! I had some things I had to talk to you and Vegeta-sensei about..." Izuku informed. Goku noticed the strained smile on his students face instantly. His usual ruffled hair was more ruffled if possible; his eyes had dark rings under them, indicating he had been having trouble sleeping, his fist were clenched so tightly, his knuckles started turning white. Something was wrong; something was bothering Izuku heavily. Goku simply nodded and waved his hand before clenching it into a fist. In less than a second, Vegeta appeared in his angel robes and his usual scowl.

"Kakarot, this had better be good! I was just getting started with cleaning!" Vegeta scowled. Goku only gave Vegeta a look, and Vegeta instantly got serious. Vegeta sighed and waved his hand as an indication for the two other Saiyans in the field to follow him. Eventually, they got to an area with a view of the beautiful and bright waterfall. The trio sat in a slight circle as the two gods awaited their green-haired student to speak. "D-during, the U.S.J. attack, when Nomu knocked me unconscious, I met someone." Izuku slowly explained. Goku raised his eyebrows in confusion, while Vegeta simply nodded, easing Izuku to continue.

"He said his name was Gohan, and he told me that...that I was his reincarnation and that I'm half-Saiyan because somehow our genes mixed." Izuku murmured tiredly. Honestly, ever since the attack ended, Izuku had only thought about two things. Momo and Gohan. Usually, he thought of Gohan and this whole reincarnation shit, and eventually get frustrated and confused. He thought of the latter, to calm himself down. Izuku looked up to see His sensei's reaction, more so Goku's. What met him when he looked into Goku's eyes was a mixture of emotions. Anger, sadness, happiness, etc. "Are you sure, Izuku?" Vegeta asked calmly.

Izuku nodded, and Vegeta relaxed slightly. Goku suddenly stood up and rushed towards Izuku, before grabbing his face and staring into his eyes. A few seconds passed before tears slowly fell down Goku's face. "H-he's not lying, his Ki... it's the same as Gohan's! I always wondered why you reminded me of him so much..." Goku cried as he pulled Izuku into a tight hug.

Ah, so this was what it felt like...

A hug from a father figure, something Izuku hadn't felt since he was announced quirkless. That day was still something that affected Izuku deeply, but he pushed that aside and revelled in the warmth of a fatherly hug. The hug was interrupted as Vegeta coughed. "Now that you seem to have gotten that off your chest, we need to talk about your performance during that attack..." Vegeta stated. Izuku tensed up and started to sweat slightly.

"W-well you see, the Nomu had some type of super regeneration, and it caught me off guard-"Izuku started, but was briefly stopped when he received a painful slap to the back of his head. His assaulter was none other than Vegeta, who glared at him disapprovingly. "I'll tell you what happened," Vegeta said as he stood up and crossed his arms. "You got arrogant! Something that I told you to avoid the moment you stepped foot in the chamber!" Vegeta scolded. Izuku looked down in shame. It was true; he was aware of just how powerful he was compared to others. It wasn't every day that you could easily thrash the person you used to admire and worship. It gave Izuku a confidence boost, a HUGE one mind you. After years of being told that you're useless and a nobody, being able to now confidently say that he was one of the strongest people in the universe, it filled Izuku with warm confidence.

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