Chapter 19: U.A Sports Festival (Part 5): The Fated Battle Between Rivals!

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Gogeta chuckled as he blocked another jab and weaved under another.

His opponent was slowing down! Slapping aside a cross blow to his head, Gogeta pushed in and delivered a devastating gut punch. Blood and spit flew from Azrael's mouth as he held his stomach in agony. The fallen angel was confident that the hit had broken some ribs.

"Amazing, your hits only grow mightier as the fight-" Azrael started but was cut off as Gogeta teleported above him and delivered a spinning front kick that sent him spiraling to the jaggy remains of what was once called Earth. Before he could even get close to the ground, Gogeta appeared to throw another jaw-shattering punch that sent the villain flying in another direction.

"FINAL BIG BANG KAMEHAMEHA X100!" Gogeta roared, beginning to gather the necessary Ki to finish this. It had gone on for long enough!

"KA..." Gogeta commenced as he dashed towards the still rocketing form of Azrael. Azrael realizing what was happening, widened his eyes in actual panic as he tried to rotate to stop the momentum, only to run into a knee that made him throw up even more blood. Azrael looked up only to stare into a cold silver contempt.

'I-I made a mistake... I should've never crossed these Saiyans!' Azrael swung out frantically, but Gogeta flipped backward, crashing his chin with the very tip of his foot. A classic Gogeta move.

"ME! HA! ME!" Gogeta's blast was now glowing a brilliant silver with electricity shooting off the ball of destruction. He teleported right above where Azrael was going to arrive and began to fly downwards, building up an impossible speed, His silver heat aura trailing behind him like fire. The Saiyan flipped just at the right time to plant both feet into the angel's chest, sending both of them rushing back towards Earth.

"FOR MY FAMILY, FOR THE PEOPLE OF EARTH, FOR THE SAIYAN RACE..." A single tear fell out the right side of Gogeta's face as he concluded his final message to Azrael. "FOR SON GOHAN, THE LAST EARTHLING TO LAY DOWN HIS LIFE! YOU'RE FINISHED! As soon as Gogeta finished, Azrael's back hit the ground shaking the Earth and creating a large crater. Gogeta thrust his arms forward with a final yell to complete his ultimate attack.

Directing it right at the head of the villain.



Blazing red eyes clashed with glowing emerald green. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife as the two teens stared each other down.

Izuku and Katsuki walked around the other, waiting, anticipating when the other would strike. Katsuki Bakugo was no fool; he knew from previous experience that getting hit by Izuku wasn't a brilliant idea.

Unless he wanted to end up in a hospital bed for another week, though he did have a few tricks up his sleeve, he knew that he needed to play this smart, or he would be guaranteed a loss. 'Alright, he's some kung-fu master, meaning he's most likely going to wait for me to attack so he can counter and punish. So I need to change up what the nerd knows of my fighting style-' His facial expression took one of astonishment as Izuku was suddenly in from him getting ready to launch a punch. Only by pure instinct and years of training, Katsuki could use his quirk to rocket himself back.

His retreat was for nothing as Izuku merely changed direction and rushed at him again. 'What the hell am I thinking?! This is how it was always meant to be between us! No thinking, no strategies, just straight combat!' Katsuki smiled one of his evil smiles as he used his quirk to charge right as Izuku. Izuku swung out with a sharp punch that Katsuki was able to blast his way out of scarcely. He used his explosions to give him momentum and spun to swing out with a kick that Izuku grabbed quickly, slamming the teen into the concrete. Katsuki felt his back cry out in anguish but ignored it and aimed his hands straight at Izuku's face, pelting it with explosions. Learning from last time, Katsuki followed it up with a blow to the Half-Saiyan's face moving his head slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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