24~ Clip-Clop Legs and Chin Potato

Start from the beginning

"What's with the mask?" Jin arched a brow as the woman drew closer.

Indeed, she wore a large hat with a veil which obscured her features. A skin-tight violet dress hugged her body and the click of heels, that the the demigods had somehow failed to hear when she'd first walked up, echoed from beneath her skirts. "I am the Mistress," she responded airily. "Only the few privileged are allowed to gaze upon my face."

"You sound almost like Jin hyung," Namjoon snorted. "What is it with Athena's children being so vain? You'd think Aphrodite's kids would be the vain ones but nope."

"Excuse you, what is it with Zeus' children being so patronizing all the time?" Jin fired back, irritated at being called out on his vanity. He was damn handsome and everyone knew that. So why pretend to be oblivious to the obvious?

"Enough!" The Mistress cried out.

"Oh shut up, Lalage." Jin immediately whirled on his half-sister. "You sure get spoiled chilling down here on Earth don't you? Remember that we're here on our own accord, summoned or not summoned, and can head straight back up to Olympus whenever the heck we want. Now take off that ridiculous hat. It makes your chin look like a potato."

An injured gasp escaped the woman and she quickly pulled off her hat. "Damn that storekeeper," she muttered darkly to herself. "She told me it looked good on me!"

"Alright, let's just get to the point." Namjoon exhaled heavily. There was only so much vanity the IQ 148 demigod could take. "What do you want us to do, Lalage?"

Lalage brushed some of her curled hair from her face. Drastic makeup painted across her face making her look almost menacing. "It's Jungkook."

Two groans erupted in the air simultaneously. "Not this again!"

"Lalage just leave it will you?"

"Listen you two!" Lalage burst out angrily. "I promise you it'll be worthwhile."

"He's just a kid, Lalage," Namjoon exhaled heavily. "And so are you. You need to move on. There are hundreds of thousands of demigods who'd love to have a couple nights with you, not to mention all the mortal men on earth as well."

"But no one else is like Jungkook," Lalage fired back. "There's only one of him in the entire universe and I know he's meant for only me."

"You did have him," Jin pointed out flatly. "Obviously it didn't work. And considering you cursed him into that whatever outlandish colorful powder ball, I highly doubt he'll be jumping out of his newfound skin to get back with you."

"Look, it's not about getting him, anymore," Lalage said harshly. "It's about the Mortal girl he's with."

"She's just his newest plaything to keep him preoccupied until he figures out how to come back to Olympus," Namjoon said dismissively. "You know how he is Lalage."

"No." Lalage's voice held a certain conviction that made both demigods pause and stare at her. "It's not. Somehow or another he's wanting something more from that pitiful Mortal. And I will not allow it. Poseidon himself will not allow it."

"Since when did Poseidon care about one of his sons' consorting with?"

"Since one of his sons' is actually being serious about the whole thing."

"I don't believe it," Jin muttered under his breath. "I know that kid. It would take a whole century before he even considering staying with a lady longer than twelve hours. And she's Mortal."

"You see the problem?" Lalage sneered. "It's absolutely inexcusable. That's why you boys are here."

Jin and Namjoon exchanged wary glances.

"My objective has changed. I don't care about getting Jungkook back anymore. I care about separating him from that Mortal girl. Even after putting that dead rabbit on her bed she refuses to release him," Lalage seethed. "I promise you the reward will be far worth it. Now if you'll just listen, this is what we're going to do..."


Namjoon and Jin left the alley, walking silently together down the empty road before them.

After a few moments Jin piped up. "What are we going to do?"

Namjoon gazed off into the darkness pensively. "Well, things certainly have gotten much more complicated now that Poseidon himself is involved."

"Do you think we can talk to your father?" Jin asked hopefully. "Maybe at least get some protection from him?"

Namjoon glared at Jin dryly. "My father called me a nerd last time I spoke with him because he caught me reading 'The Theory of Dark Matter'. I highly doubt he's willing to offer any protection to me."

"Too bad he didn't catch you reading the 'The Theory of Lust and Positions'," Jin remarked slyly. "He probably would've been proud of you."

Namjoon wrinkled his nose a little. "What are you talking about? I'm pure."

"Keep telling yourself," Jin snorted. "It's not like I ever walked in on you with a siren singing on your—"

"One time," Namjoon growled. "That was one time. Unlike you who decided that whole fiasco with the dryads was a good idea. Three times. IN A ROW."

"At least I openly admitted to it!" Jin yelled, infuriated. "Anyways, we're veering off track. Back to what's happening right at this moment. What are we going to do with Jungkook and La-coocoo-lage?"

Namjoon fell quiet for a few more moments before sighing heavily. "Well, it seems like we have no other choice. We're just going to do what she wants us to do and hope it'll all work out in the end."



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