Chapter Twenty Seven - Jackson

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Jackson -

We've pulled up to a two-story cabin lined with windows, allowing the sun to penetrate each room. An older man stands in what I assume to be his living room and watches us pull up in my Dodge Charger.

I glance at Maggie, noticing her jaw drop and knuckles whiten as her fingers grip the center console tightly.

My eyes focus back on the long dirt driveway and I park a safe enough distance where he won't think we're some kind of intruders. Maggie looks harmless enough but I'm another story altogether.

"Ready?" I ask, offering her a warm smile as I unbuckle my seat-belt.

Her ocean eyes move to mine and I see the panic flashing through them. She's not often phased or shocked into silence and I worry that I'm not the most skilled when it comes to nurturing or offering condolences. I have the strangest sensation a disaster is heading our way but I force it out of my mind.

Maggie unbuckles her seatbelt in slow motion, eyes trained on the older gentleman heading toward us. I quickly toss the keys above the sun visor and run around the front of the car to help her out.

Her father is a decent looking gent, I'm not ashamed to admit he was probably a looker in his day. He walks slowly as if his body doesn't quite work the way it used to but eventually he makes it to us.

"Can I help you, folks?" William asks with a friendly smile.

Good, he seems like a decent bloke. I wasn't quite sure what to expect when we arrived. I never mentioned it to Mags, but there was always a chance her father could have been someone she wasn't expecting.

It may be simply the fact that I'm a realist, or in Maggie's opinion a pessimist, but I've thought up multiple dilemmas that we could come across with this man who fled from his only daughter and wife. He could have been a drunk, on drugs, he could have been a bum or even just a tosser.

Nonetheless, no matter the scenario, it wouldn't have mattered as long as I was by her side. I'll be here to help her cope, regardless of my soothing capabilities or lack thereof.

I look to Maggie realizing it's been a few moments since he's spoken, yet she's still silent. She stands frozen, watching him in awe and unable to speak.


I'm not sure it's my place to say anything. I can't simply say, 'Good Morning sir, this is your daughter you may or may not have misplaced.'

I decide to give Maggie time to find her words and anxiously place my fists in my pockets then rock back and forth on my heels.

Come on Mags, you can do this.

"Hi, I'm-" Maggie starts but before I can celebrate her victory a teenage girl comes darting out from behind the cabin. Golden-brunette hair, bright blue eyes, and a somewhat frustrated pout line her face as she cuts Maggie off.

"Dad! Can we get going, please? We're going to be late!" The girl storms up to William in what looks like a football jersey.

I take a moment to gather my thoughts which can only be described as a plentiful amount of cursing then turn to Maggie. Her ocean eyes widen further than I've ever seen before and her jaw drops as she examines her- well I suppose it's her sister, isn't it?


"In a minute honey." William responds to Maggie's new sister then looks to me with his brows raised. I'm sure he's given up on Maggie speaking with the way he's now turned to me for an explanation.

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