Chapter Twenty Five - Maggie

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Maggie -

"That's all you're bringing?" I ask in awe as Jack slings his solitary duffel bag into the trunk. 

"Yeah, why not? I've got everything I need already packed." Jackson shrugs.

"That's the same luggage you brought with you to Seattle? Gross."  My nose wrinkles and my brows pull together as I ponder his cleanliness.

"Bollocks, I've got two fresh t's in there and a clean pair of Levi's.  You're the one who says you can't possibly wait a day." He teases and nudges my ribs gently.  "I'll survive, let's go."

After swinging by Jack's penthouse to pick up his car and drop off mine, we're on our way to Prescott.  I suppose we could have waited until morning.  We both could have showered and I could have gotten him to shave his face.  Although I'm sort of digging his 5 o'clock shadow, it matches his usual broody attitude.  Since I got what I wanted, Jack's agreement on this trip, I wasn't going to take the chance of waiting. 

As a kid, I always thought Prescott was so far away.  I would lay my head back, close my eyes and listen to Aqua's Aquarium album on repeat with my trusty anti-skip disc-man. I could play through the entire album just about three times before we finally arrived.  The ride there always seemed like it took forever, but in all honesty, it's only about two hours if you don't stop to pee. 

When we arrived at Jackson's penthouse, my new iPhone was waiting in a package 'hidden' under the mat. Apparently, they thought slipping a large box under a slim welcome mat was a good enough hiding spot. 

"Surely no one with poor intentions would be able to see through such a disguise."  I told Jack, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

He threatened to call FedEx and complain, but I honestly can't stand making a big deal out of these situations.  Complaining at restaurants, returning items, complaining about service, all make me extremely uncomfortable. I can't see Jack experiencing that same sort of awkward tension of disappointing someone else.  He prefers to tell it like it is, even if it hurts.

I feel somewhat relieved to finally have a phone again although, the only person I really wanted to call is sitting next to me. I power on my phone and a few voicemails come through from my mom that I decide to listen to later.  Presumably, she's trying to find out if I've been to see my father.

Soon mom, soon.

She disagreed with me contacting him from the beginning, but she knew I wouldn't back down. I bet now that she knows I'm going through with my plan, she's on the edge of her seat waiting for me to spill the tea.

We're traveling down the i17 at about five miles an hour, with traffic completely backed up and surrounding us.  Getting off isn't even an option, many of the exits are blocked off due to construction.

I've always heard if there's a lot of construction in your city it's a good thing, your city is thriving.  However, it feels as if this particular freeway is always under construction.  I've never been on the I17 and thought, 'Wow, this is going smoothly.'

"Bloody hell, they've blacked out the cat's eyes so everyone's playing fucking Pac-Man." Jack growls as he stares at the traffic ahead.

"Before I even attempt to decipher what you just said-" I pause, taking a breath and pinching the bridge of my nose. "No, actually just translate."

"Cat's eyes." Jackson chances a baffled glance in my direction before quickly looking back to the road. "The little white reflectors in the center of the road, they've painted over them and now everyone's in two lanes."

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