Chapter Eighteen - Maggie

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After I'm completely sure that the parking lot is clear of Julie, I make my way back into the house, running as quickly as possible in order to avoid the sting of cold.  The second I'm through the door I slam it and press my back against the oak door.  I close my eyes and allow the warm air to thaw my cheeks and nose. 

I was so close to leaving this city and heading straight to meet my father, but Jack's right.  I'm a mess right now, and this isn't how I want him to see me for the first time.  Also, I'd really love Jackson's support when I do meet him.  Three days until he's back and we'll leave together. I just feel like I've been waiting so long I can't stand waiting another minute.

Jack was right about one thing,  I'm an absolute mess today.  My hair sits in a rats nest on top of my head and my eyeliner from the night before is streaking across my cheeks.  I desperately need a shower, physically and mentally.

I force myself away from the only exit and head down the long hall towards the bathroom.  After turning the water on and I let both the room and my lungs fill with steam.  I let down my hair and try my best to run my fingers through it but it's much too tangled to tame without conditioner. 

Thousands of drops of hot liquid drench my hair and trail down my body.  I close my eyes and dip my head back further, soaking my hair.  My mind begins to calm and the tension in my shoulders relax. 

Three days.

Three days until Jack comes home.  Three days until I can see my father. It's only three days, I can wait. 

My eyes open and I concentrate on the water circling the drain.  Besides, I'm supposed to be working for the next few days and I've fallen pretty far behind since I missed the entire Christmas week. 

Christian has been so lenient with me and Jack considering how much time off I've taken.  It's time for me to get serious about Redwolf and stop slacking.  Jack being out of town and unable to distract me is the perfect opportunity for me to prove my worth.

I exit the shower determined with a new sense of eagerness coursing through me.  It's almost noon by the time I manage to get a comb through my hair, throw some clothes on and lock the door behind me. 

WHEN I ARRIVE, I head straight up to my office and try not to let the towering pile of manuscripts on my desk alarm me.  It's either romance or horror and since it's still daylight I decide to get as many of the horror manuscripts done as possible, afterward I'll switch to romance.

Right before I start I receive a text from Jack letting me know his flight arrived safely and he's on his way to his first meet and greet. I know his schedule is jam-packed but I didn't realize he would be heading straight from the plane to work.  I hope he packed more than a few black t-shirts and actually packed something professional.  I seriously doubt it though.

He asked me to come with, but I told him I shouldn't be missing work.  While that's definitely true, it's not the main reason I declined his offer.  I didn't want to distract him from his own work, I need to give him the chance to actually enjoy this experience and not be worrying over me.

I finished the first novel, forcing my way through the knock off version of It and I'm already halfway through the second.  My eyes are starting to strain and the words are blurring together until I realize I'm reading only by the dim light in my office.  I check the clock and realize it's nine in at night and my stomach is going crazy.  You know it's a good book when time starts flying by.

My stomach growls and I hear the snack machine in the break room beckon me. 

On my way down to the first floor, I realize the office is completely empty.  It's dark except for a few emergency lights and briefly, the thought crosses my mind I could be locked in until I see the light seeping through the break room door.  There must be someone here. Panicking, I pick up the pace and dart through the break room door, shoving it open with more force than I intended.

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