Chapter Twenty two Maggie

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Maggie -

It's the final day of Jack's book tour and I haven't spoken to him the entire time he's been in Seattle.

No matter how many times I've tried to reach him, he just won't answer my calls.  It wasn't hard to figure out he was ignoring me, considering after the first few calls they all went straight to his voicemail.

When the maid finally arrived and granted us our freedom, Nick and I went searching for my phone. It didn't take long to find it, smashed to pieces in the alley next to my old club.  It wouldn't turn on, but even if it did the glass was shattered and I'd probably have cut up my fingers if I attempted to use it.  I've ordered a new phone and unfortunately even though I paid extra for fast shipping, it doesn't arrive until today, again, the day Jack arrives.

I sigh, letting out the breath of air I've been holding while checking the tracking info. It looks like it won't come until this evening, and I'm not even planning on being here.

Today is also the day I travel to Prescott and finally meet my father.  Jack asked me to delay meeting him one final time so I wouldn't have to face this alone, but I won't delay again regardless of what's going on in our personal lives.

I'm almost more anxious to see Jackson than I am my father.  I wonder how he spent all weekend, if he continued on with his book tour or if he gave up all together.  He must be furious thinking that I hung up on him to spend the night with Nick in peace.  That's the only logical explanation I can see him coming up with.  

I admit I might be slightly overdramatic at times but it was a silly fight.  It doesn't even merit enough importance to be called a fight.  It was a tiff, an irritation, but now it's completely blown out of proportion. 

I should have been nervously thwarting away Jack proposing I send nude pictures or experiencing phone sex for the first time this weekend. I knew it would suck not having him close enough to touch, but we still could have made it work.  I shouldn't have been left here crying over the unknown. 

Jack's penthouse is spotless on account that I obsessively cleaned every nook and cranny to keep my mind busy.  I must have gotten that from my mother, whenever she was stressed the house always looked immaculate. 

I've organized his pantry, cleaned out his closet, even sorted his enormous collection of books by author, but nothing worked. No matter how tired I was I couldn't sleep and the few times I actually managed to drift off, I awakened minutes later drenched in sweat searching for Jackson. 

My nightmares have been relentless since he left, my father was replaced by Jack and I lose him every time.  I'm left running in circles trying to catch up to the man who's left me behind.

I can't help but yawn as I pour my third cup of coffee then head to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I refuse to succumb to sleep any longer, caffeine is my new best friend. 

I'm going into work today to keep myself from going insane. Jack's flight is supposed to arrive late tonight and I just can't handle the anticipation.

The bathroom is freezing, so much so that the cold tile floor makes me resent the fact that I need to shower. I enter anyway and catch my reflection in the mirror.

I'm briefly startled before I recognize the witch in the mirror as myself. These last few days have wreaked havoc on me. I'm almost shocked to see the woman standing before me.

My eyes are slightly swollen from intermittently breaking down into tears last night.  One second I've convinced myself I'm okay and everything will be just fine, after all, it's just a simple misunderstanding.

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