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Third Person
The six members stayed silent, as their eldest left the room. Finally, after what seemed like hours, someone spoke.

"I-I didnt know...h-he.." Jungkook tried to get out his thoughts but was stopped by sobs.

"He doesn't let myself see him cry either, kook," Namjoon informed, "I've told him not too hold it in....but.."

"Were all the same.." Suga sighed, "We all dont want to bother each other with our emotions. Jungkook...You and Jin hyung...probably have it the worst.."

"Yup...Hyung is the oldest...and as he said..He probably thinks he has to be strong, and can't turn to us. But you, as the youngest...probably have so much of a burden to not bother us..." Jimin said, "Right Kook?"

Jungkook nodded, "I'm sorry hyungs..I really am! I just..."

"Were not mad Kook.." Taehyung assured, "Just...upset we didn't bother to actually try and figure you out.."

"Jin Hyung.." Jhope suddenly said, "H-He left the room.,"

Namjoon moved towards Jungkook, giving a peck on the maknae's forehead, "I'll go after with the others,"


Namjoon smiled and quickly Left the room.

Namjoon's POV
I looked at Sejin hyung who quickly met my gaze. Before I could speak he pointed down the hallway, "Last door on the right,"

I ran down the hallway to the door. Stair well. Slowly, I opened it and looked around. The only floor above, was the roof.

"Jinnie?" I called out.

I heard a faint whisper and looked up. Jin hyungs head was looking down at me, as tears were streaming down, "Joonie?"

"Hey.." I said running up the stairs to him. When I reached, I almost broke at the sight.

Hyung was sitting, his knees brought up to his chest, on the steps. I walked towards him, and he looked up. His face was covered in tears.


"I'm sorry.." He cut me off.

"What? Hyung, why are you apologizing?" I asked crouching down in front of him.

"I...I just blew up like that! Joon...he's in a fucking hospital bed, and I decided to blow up and yell at him!" Jin hyung cried.

I pulled hyung into a hug, where he shifted onto his knees, sobbing into my shoulder. I rubbed his back slowly, placing a few kisses on his head.

"Oh hyung, were not mad. Neither is Kook,"

I didn't get a response other than whimpers. We sat there for a few minutes, before I cupped his face, taking it out of my shoulder. I looked down at Jin, giving him a kiss on his forehead, before wiping his tears away.

"My Jin Hyung, please don't beat yourself over this. It's okay..."

"I feel pathetic.." He said.

"Oh baby..." I frowned.

"Its like everything, I've held back just blew up. I never wanted you guys to find out in a way like that...If i was ever going to tell you," Jin hyung frowned.

"I'm glad you blew up...we wouldn't have found out, you were struggling too..." I smiled.

"Jungkookie..." Jin whimepred, "How long has he been.."

My smile dropped. Jin was really like our parental figure, and older brother. He took care of us when sick, when we felt like giving up, when we were stressed. He was always the one to take care of us. Not being able to help Jungkook, must be breaking him.

"Jin...Let's go back to the boys, they're probably very worried," I said, pulling him to stand.

Jin nodded, wiping his tears. I gave him a hug, as he hugged my neck. We pulled back, and I gave him a kiss. Short but sweet. Jin returned it, but we pulled away to breathe.

"Let's go back,"

The two of us held hands, as we made our way back to the room. We stood outside, due to Jin's hesitation. Eventually I got bored, and opened the door, pulling him in.

Third Person.
The boys stopped talking as the door clicked open. Namjoon smiled to them, and Jin followed after, except he was looking down.

"Hyung!!" Jimin exclaimed running to Jin.

Namjoon let go of his boyfriends hand, as Jimin hugged the eldest tightly. Jin returned it, only to be joined by Tae, and Hobi.

"How dare you hide your pain from us!" Taehyung scolded.

Jin chuckled, and pulled out of the hug. He turned to his roommate who was watching.

"Come here Yoongi.." Jin said opening his arms.

Suga smiled, but gave the oldest a small hug.

"Hyungie!" Jungkook's voice echoed through the room.

Jin turned to his Maknae who had a sad look.

"I didn't mean too hurt you hyung..." Jungkook whimpered.

"Oh Kookie..." Jin cooed, walking over.

Jin sat on the edge of the bed, pulling the boy into a hug, "Hyungs sorry too..."

"Hyung...there's something wrong with me...isnt there?" Jungkook asked with a broken tone.

Jin looked at the other five, who's faces broke at the questiom.

"No..There's nothing wrong with you," Jin assured.

Jungkook pulled away, and held his arms out in front of him. All six of his hyungs, froze. The maknaes entire forearm was marked. Barely a gap of skin left untouched.

"I...I couldn't stop.." Jungkook admitted.

"I know Kook," Suga nodded, "It's hard to stop.."

"It felt good hyung! I promise..." Jungkook said with teary eyes, "It made the voice shut up! It-It-"

"Stop talking..." Taehyung said, "That voice...Kook..that not real.."

Jungkook shook his head, "No! ITs real! IT said everything ARMY said!"

"What...ARMY loves you," Namjoon said.

"N-no! They hate me..." Jungkook said.

The Hyungs Hate you!
"The hyungs hate me too!" I repeated what the voice said,

"What? No!" Hobi hyung denied.


"It says your a liar," I frowned.

My hyungs looked near tears again. Jin hyung grabbed my hand, and squeezed, "Please...For hyungs Kookie. Please ignore the voice...Its trying to trick you,"

I looked at hyung, and nodded, "O-okay.."

The door clicked again, and we all turned. Doctor Hwang had entered with a cart. The cart had various things on it.

"Jungkook...It's lunch time.." He said with a serious tone.

"I'm not hungry," I said too quickly.

"If he's not hungry, I'm not hungry," V hyung suddenly said.

I looked at hyung with shock, "B-but you haven't ate anything since breakfast!"

"And you haven't a proper meal in over a month." Jimin hyung shot back.

I groaned and looked at the Doctor who spoke, " have to either eat...or I have to attach the feeding tube to give you nutrients..."

I looked at the cart with hesitation.

"Jungkook, What is your definition of fat? Is it, being able to see your ribs, hips, and collar? Cause that's exactly what you are," Suga hyung asked.

I touched my collar. Sure enough, my bones were easy to trace.

"I-Ill eat.." I choked out.

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