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When morning came, Hermione was no longer lying next to Draco in his bed. The only memory of the warmth of her embrace were the ruffled sheets and used pillow next to his. If anyone were ever going to ask Draco about it, that night was probably the best night he's ever slept in years - but no one was going to ask him about it, not even Hermione. 

Because they weren't supposed to talk about it. 

Not even the slightest mention. 

It was a one-time thing.

He's slept so well that it was a quarter past seven, and only a few minutes were left before his first class started. After a quick shower and a wave of his wand, he was already rushing down the stairs. 

"I wasn't sure if you were ever going to wake up." Hermione chuckled from the loveseat, she was reading through her Transfiguration book, probably going through the lesson that was going to be discussed that day

"I slept quite well." Draco shrugged 'no nightmares' he thought right after "Why are you still here?" he asked as they walked to the portrait hole 

"Rumors of my break up have started to crawl all over the place. Everyone in Hogwarts knows by now." Hermione sighed "The Great Hall wasn't a friendly place at all, so I fled as soon as I got a toast and a banana down my system." 

"How's Weasley taking it?" 

"Not very well. He's lost quite a few admirers after people started gossiping about the 'cheating' rumors. None of us are confirming anything, but a lot have been very vocal about their distaste for cheaters." Hermione sighed again "Not to mention he's lost the keeper position. It was quite the negative atmosphere in the Great Hall earlier, good thing Teddy was there to keep me company." 

"Teddy?" Draco choked, he wasn't sure if he was going to laugh at the fact that his best mate is being called 'Teddy' or get angry at the fact that they're spending time again "You ate breakfast with him?" 

"Yes, Blaise and Ginny were with us too." Hermione shrugged 

"How was  your study date, anyway?" Draco asked, clearing his throat casually. They were about to go down the fifth floor by now, and only then he's realised that he hasn't had breakfast at all. Hermione glanced at him with narrowed eye for a second, remembering the last time they spoke about that 'study date' "It was good, we got to finish all the work for this week, and half of next's."

"When's the next one?" Draco asked, noticing too late that he was already prying 

"Not until the end of the month, I think." Hermione said slowly

"Oh, okay." Draco said, trying to seem uninterested " Slytherin Quidditch try-outs are this evening after supper, you and Potter might want to come."

"Why?" Hermione laughed "So you can show-off to your opponents?" 

"First of all, opponent, singular. You don't even play Quidditch." Draco chuckled "Second, it only seems fair for him to watch my team's try-out's since I was allowed to watch his."

"Alright, I like this diplomatic approach." Hermione chuckled "I'll pass the message."

"Can you even fly a broom?" Draco asked 

"Offensive!" Hermione gasped "Of course I can; I just don't like flying."

"Right." Draco laughed 

"By the way, we need to find an excuse for where our common room is." Hermione shook her head "Our friends were very...insistent in coming over to visit." 

"We can say it's under the black lake being guarded by the giant squid, so only we're allowed to go in." Draco said 

Hermione looked at him with wide eyes, stifling a laugh "You're serious?" 

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