[thirty three]

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The minute Hermione woke up, she sent a patronus for all their friends to come. Naturally, they did. Harry and Ginny were the first to arrive, informing them that Ron wanted to introduce Elena to the family first, before they dive into anything problematic.

Viktor and Astoria were there in no time, arriving through the floo network "Merry Christmas!" Astoria had greeted everyone so happily as Viktor lugged a large box behind her

"Here, sweetheart, have some hot chocolate." Narcissa smiled at her and passed two mugs of freshly made hot cocoa to her and Viktor

"So, let's get to business." Ginny grinned and grabbed a gift from the side "Harry and I's gifts first."

"Not even married yet and you're already doing the joint-gift thing." Theo snickered

"Shut up, Theodore. Because of that, you'll get yours last." Ginny rolled her eyes "Here, Draco, this one's yours."

She handed Draco a neatly wrapped box, which he took with a smirk "Thanks, Weasley."

"Where's my thank you?" Harry narrowed his eyes

"Here." Draco lightly punched his arm and grinned as Harry let out a small yelp

"Blaise, this one's for you." Ginny grinned at Blaise, who scowled at her "You expect me to accept that after you get engaged?" He demanded

Hermione's eyebrows shot up, turning to look at Harry with an expression that clearly said 'are they serious?' "Don't look at me. Their friendship is weird." Harry shook his head as he passed around their other presents

Ginny rolled her eyes at Blaise's antics and just tossed him the present "Open it." Ginny grinned

Blaise narrowed his eyes at her before tearing through the wrappings "You're serious?" Blaise raised his brows as he showed everyone the jumper

"I made it myself." Ginny smiled proudly

"Blaise & Ginny BFF'S Forever." Hermione read "I must say, Gin, I'm quite offended." she joked

"I love it!" Blaise grinned "Okay, you're forgiven." he shrugged and tossed the jumper on

"You know you're my number one, 'Mione." Ginny winked

"You aren't at all worried about this?" Celine looked at Pansy weirdly

"Please, I know he's in love with me." Pansy waved off as she tossed Hermione her present "Here, Hermy. This one's yours."

"Pansy Parkinson, giving me a gift?" Hermione smirked, before handing Pansy a neatly wrapped box "Here, I got you one, too."

Viktor and Astoria made everyone Bulgarian Banitsa, each of them a pie of their own "Viktor and his mum helped me make it." Astoria smiled

"Tori, this tastes amazing!" Draco exclaimed as he dug in

"Can I have one more?" Ron moaned in delight as he shoved another spoonful in his mouth

"She was a great student." Viktor grinned, happy that they all found the gift wonderful

"I had a great teacher." Astoria smiled up at him. All their friends snickered at their sudden show of affection. Maybe their families' introductions went more than great.

They passed around a few more gifts, but when it was Draco's turn to hand the presents he had gotten his friends, he was red in the face

"A quilt, really, Draco?" Theo laughed at Draco's gift

"He gave all of us one." Harry pointed out "Look at the patches, though"

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