[thirty four]

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The thing about the holidays is that days usually fly by very quickly. The next thing you know, you're packing your belongings for your New Year's plans.

It was December 29th, and Draco's heart has flown out of his chest since Christmas. He was going to meet Hermione's parents.

Harry, Ginny, Ron and Elena were all returning to the Burrow and won't be arriving at the Granger's until the day of the party "Fleur's deciding on baby names. Mum said we ought to be there to help." Ginny said. Harry whispered something in her ear that made her blush as red as her hair. Draco didn't bother wondering what it was.

Elena still hasn't spoken to Hermione about what Draco had seen in her head. This made Draco annoyed, giving her the cold shoulder for the rest of their stay in the manor.

Blaise and Pansy were heading back to Blaise's manor to meet with his mother. They had, after all, just gotten engaged. They were bound to do some planning. "We won't be having a shotgun wedding, don't worry." Pansy assured Celine with a laugh that morning "You'll get the chance to plan the entire reception, Cel."

"Okay good. You better mean that, because I don't plan on spending the rest of my holidays angry." Celine huffed "Theo and I are going up to my parents' winter lodge until we have to come for Hermione's party."

"Send photos." Draco laughed, remembering the last time Theodore went skiing. That earned him a punch on the arm.

Just as they thought Astoria would be updating them of her plans with Viktor until New Year's eve, she came in the room with a worried frown "Something's happened."

"What?" Draco asked, the room's atmosphere suddenly turning cold and serious

"I just got an owl from Millicent. Goyle's gone missing." Astoria said, showing them the owl

Draco grabbed the letter, scanning the contents "Three days?" he frowned

"This can't be good." Pansy muttered "What happened the last time they were together? Couldn't he have just run away from her horridness?"

Astoria looked at Pansy pointedly "Well, they were talking about the wedding."

"It's settled then, he'd just run away." Blaise scoffed "I'm sure he's fine. We'll send an owl his way this evening."

Draco looked up "I don't know."

"Draco, Goyle's done this before." Theo shrugged "He's fine, I'm sure. Millicent just freaked him over the wedding plans. You know Goyle and settling down."

Draco handed Astoria the letter back "If he doesn't respond to our owl tonight, we're going for a search."

"Okay, deal." Pansy nodded

"Uh, he hasn't been seen in three days." Ginny pointed out again

"You don't know Goyle like we do." Draco shook his head

"Alright, then." Harry shrugged, he wasn't about to get into their business "We'll be going now. We'll see you on the morning of the 31st."

"Bring muggle clothes!" Hermione reminded "We're going shopping." she grinned as Ginny and Harry enveloped her in a group hug before punching Draco on the arm

Ron chuckled and gave Hermione a hug before they left through the floo

"Ivanova, watch yourself." Draco warned

"I—" Elena stopped herself and left with her head hung low

"Draco, I don't know what you saw, but you should really lay off her." Hermione scolded quietly

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