Chapter 9: Vets

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As we rushed home, Marzia got more upset. She was shaking and crying, tears making her mascara and eyeliner run. She had tear streaks down her soft powdered cheeks and didn't look like...well...Marzia. The Marzia I knew had silky cocoanut scented hair, a small button nose, beautiful maroon eyes that contained the world, soft cheeks and small red lips that looked just perfect on her pretty defined face. Now her hair was messy, her small button nose was running, her eyes bloodshot and leaking tears, the soft cheeks that once were, streaked with tears and her small lips now pursed and buttoned shut. This was not the Marzia I knew. I didn't like it one bit, either.

"Marzia!" I cried "Stop!"

She stopped in her tracks and looked at me.

"Calm down!" I wailed. "Please"

Marzia took a deep breath and wiped her red puffy eyes.


I hugged her and kissed her damp cheek. Pulling out a tissue, I dabbed at her eyes and wiped away the ecsess makeup on her cheeks.

"There" I sighed.

"Thanks Babe" She laughed nervously.

She sniffed and wiped her nose.

"Let's go" She sighed.

She was still shaking but then so was I. It was scary but we both needed to calm down.

Adopted by Pewdiepie and MarziaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora