Chapter 1: How it all started.

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"My parents didn't want me you see" I babbled on to the older ones "They abandoned me!"

When I was born my parents loved me. They bought me toys, clothes and everything you could imagine. I don't remember much about the situation because I was only young, but after a month my parents got fed up with me because, like any 1 month old baby, I cried alot. They bought me a pacifier, a plushy and teething toys for me but I just craved for attention. So, after 3 months of constant wailing from their baby daughter, they abandoned me in a wheat field, at 3 months old. They didn't even name me, just because I was so 'annoying' and 'terrible', So when a worker from the orphanage (Jess) found me in the wheat field by myself, she named me May after the month that she found me. Jess says I was alone for at least a day without food, water or supervision so I was a brave and strong baby. Like I am now! I am only 6 but I can punch any older kid in the face anytime I like. I just choose not to.

"May! Don't lie!" Mocked an older kid.

"I'm not! Jess told me!" I protested

"Yeah of course!" They retorted

I sighed and walked back to the room where I slept. Life was terrible.

"May!" Called Jess

"Yes Mrs. Cross?" I replied politely

"Someone is here to see you!" She shouted up to me, happily.

What? Someone here? For me?!

I quickly slipped my lucky pikachu charm in my pocket and skipped towards the stairs. I felt a hand on my back and a force pushing me downwards.

"May-day!" Cackled an older kid called Kate, but everyone called her Katz.

I fell down the old wooden stairs and cut my knee and elbows. I hit ny head but it wasn't major. I began to cry which ruined my chance of getting a home and caring family. I hated Katz. She was so mean to mean just because I was the youngest. She was 14. I was 6. She was more than double my age, so there was no way I could stand up to her. I brushed the dirt off my itchy checked orphanage dress and wiped the blood of my knees and elbows. Before leaving to meet Jess and my visitors, I snarled at Katz, looking her right in the eye.

"I. Hate. You." She added with an evil smirk.

I ran off the 2nd landing and ran down the stairs towards Jess.

I hugged her and cried for a while. The couple left because they saw I was a 'crybaby' which hurt me. Alot. I rushed upstairs and cried into the pillow, wishing I could be more confident and proud of who I am. I wish Katz was gone.

Adopted by Pewdiepie and Marziaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें