Chapter 4: Movie night and pure terror!

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The front door opened and revealed a messy looking Felix.

"Felix!" I squealed, running up to him.

"Hey sweetheart!" He laughed.

He showed Marzia the film he had chosen for our first ever family movie night. It read 'Frozen' with a crazy looking snowman on. I giggled with delight and took the DVD case out of his cold hand and looked at the back. I pretended to read the blurb although I couldn't read yet. I acted as if I were taking it all in.

"Does it look good?" Felix laughed.

"Yeah. Interesting?" Marzia giggled.

I nodded and replayed my interlectual scene. They kept looking at me and laughing.

"What?" I eventually asked.

"The case is upside down sweetness!" Marzia giggled, hugging me.

I turned the case around and found the snowman hanging from the top of the case. I felt stupid but they didn't mind. I hopped on the sofa next to Marzia and snuggled up to her. Felix unpacked the little shopping he had got like donuts, sweets, chocolate and cakes and took his casual velvety maroon coat off and hung it up on the back of the door.

"Come sit down Felix" Marzia patted the empty space to my right.

"Ok. I'll set the movie up" Felix volunteered.

As Felix set Frozen up, Marzia and I snuggled up together, making jokes about how 'manly' Felix was for setting up a film.

"So manly" Marzia mocked

"Manly man setting up a manly film!" I giggled

Felix turned around and gave me a jokeful crying face. I laughed so hard I wet myself. Marzia helped me clean myself up and brought in one of Felix's old shirts for me to sleep in.

"I recognise that shirt!" Felix said playfully, jumping onto the space next to me.

He tickled me until I was laughing hysterically.

"Shh. It's starting" Hushed Marzia.

"Ok Marzia!" Felix loudly whispered.

Marzia gave Felix a funny look to make me laugh. I sure did laugh.

*2 hours later*

I heard a loud bang and my eyes bolted open. I sat up and looked around. I was in my room. The bang was louder and someone screamed. My heart raced as I got out of my bed to see what was happening. My door was open ajar and I could hear snoring coming from Felix and Marzia's room so I ran to the door and opened it ever so slightly. There was no one in the bed except two small lumps under the duvet which must have been Maya and Edgar. But the snoring was coming from the bed. I was going to go and investigate, but a loud gun shot scared the life out of me so I dived under the bed and screamed myself. Rapid footsteps came in to the room and someone turned the lights on.

"May?" Marzia's voice was startled and calming.

I crawled out from under the bed and hugged them tightly.

"What's the matter?" Felix asked concerned.

"There were loud bangs and screams and gun shots!" I wept

They both laughed and brought me into the lounge.

"Look May" Felix said "We're watching a horror movie!"

He pointed out the zombie on the television screen and looked back at me.

"Don't worry!" He soothed me, pulling me in close.

He carried me into my room and turned my night light on.

"Now go to sleep May" He calmly ordered me.

I closed my eyes and soon fell fast asleep, with Felix sitting at the foot of my bed.

Adopted by Pewdiepie and MarziaWhere stories live. Discover now