Chapter 2: The Italian and Swedish

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After my crying fit, I grabbed my Pikachu plushy and hugged it. I've had it since I was born. I need it to sleep although sometimes Katz would take it or rip it just to make me cry because she is cruel like that. She didn't have a horrible story like me and the others. Her parents are  taking her back when she turns 18 as they needed a holiday so they gave Katz to the orphanage. Well so she says. I bet they aren't. I know my parents aren't and I know hers definitely won't. I sit up and look in the broken mirror which represented me. Broken. I looked at the sharp shards of glass and thought about the unthinkable. No. I won't. I will get adopted soon and will live happily ever after with my new parents. My daddy will have bluey green eyes and dirty blonde hair. He would be kind and caring. My mummy would smell of roses and perfume. She would have long chocolate brown hair down to her waist and kind dark  maroon eyes, perfect in everyway. But I knew my dream parents didn't exist so I stopped imagining before I let myself down even more. A tear rolled down my rosy cheek. I knew I was never going to be adopted. I grabbed the sharp shard of broken mirror and put it to my wrist. I was about to put pressure on and slit my wrist when Jess called for me. I threw the shard on the floor, outstanded and shocked that I had just attempted to do that. I am only 6. Well nearly 6. I had to wait a couple of weeks til I was 6 but it still sort of counted. I ran out of my room, my wrist stinging from placing the sharp shard of mirror on top, checked the coast was clear from evil pigs like Katz and ran down the flights of stairs. I saw a beautiful woman and handsome man standing next to each other, talking. My name was mentioned a couple of times so it was obviously about me.

"Hi Sweetie" said the woman in a strong high pitched Italian accent.

"H-hi!" I replied nervously.

I immediantly felt comfortable around them.

"Hey! So whats your name?" The man said in a calming swedish accent.

He was bent down to my height his elbows rested on the top of his knees. I looked at him and realised he looked awfully familiar. Where was he from? Ah! My dream daddy really did exist! He opened his arms for a hug, to which I accepted.

"I love you!" I whispered to the man, excitedly.

I panicked then. I didn't know him and he didn't know me, and I had just told him I loved him. Well done May! You just ruined your chance with your dream parents! I wriggled out from the hug and broke down, tears streaming from my tiny cauliflower blue eyes.

"Oh no! Did I upset you dear?" He looked as if he were gonna cry.

I looked at him and smiled.

"No. I just panicked." I sniffed swiftly.

"Oh ok! Well when we take you home tonight, you won't need to panic, ok?" He whispered in my ear.

I smiled at him and flung my short arms around his large neck.

"My name is Felix! But call me Dad or Daddy" he told me

"My name is Marzia! But call me Mum or Mummy." The woman sweetly informed me.

I smiled at them both and burst into tears of joy.

"Oh Felix! What have you done?" Marzia giggled.

"I-I don't understand" He playfully stuttered.

I laughed and Marzia picked me up. She put me down so she could fill out the papers, after Felix had signed his name and wrote down the address.

"So? How are you May?" He joked

He kissed my head and carried me out to the car. There was a car seat in the car already so Felix strapped me in and walked round to the drivers seat. Later on, Marzia joined us and we set off to their house. I stared in wonder at the beautiful neighbourhood and hoped they lived in one of these houses.

"Are you hungry May?" Marzia asked me.

I went all shy and nodded. I hadn't eaten all day. Marzia told Felix that I was hungry so we pulled in at a weird place called mcdonalds . They informed me that it was a fast food place where you got delicious food. I felt comfortable with my new family already and ordered a happy meal which was the equilvelant of a kids meal. We sat down at a table outside, sitting under the umbrella which was centred in the middle of the table. They started to try and make conversation with me, which was nice but I was a bit tired.

"Marzia, do you live in Britain with Felix?" I asked worridley.

She giggled to herself.

"Yes of course we do, sweetie. Don't you worry about that. Plus, It's where we live!" She corrected me.

"I love your voice Marzia" I complemented her.

"Aw thanks sweetie. You see I'm from Italy. Do you know where that is?"

I shook my little head and felt disapointed.

"I'll show you when we get home and you can see your new room!" She excitedly said.

I was excited as well.

"I'm from Sweden, May!" Felix interrupted me, but in a funny way.

"I love you both" I said.

They smiled at me, approvingly.

Our food arrived and I tucked right in. It was delicious. I had a cheese burger, nuggets, chips and sweet and sour sauce for my hot salty chips. Felix had a big mac, nuggets, spring rolls, chips and barbeque sauce. Marzia had a big mac as well but filled with extra burger sauce, salad, onions and cheese ; As a side she had chips, onion rings, spring rolls and a few nuggets with tomato ketchup sauce. The meal was to die for! I instantly felt so bad for the other kids back at the orphanage who probably won't get anything as the orphanage often ran out of food. It probably against the law to not feed children properly but I guess we didn't care. I left some of my burger and nuggets but finished the rest of it without hassle! I had to wait patiently for Marzia and Felix to finish their meals, which they swiftly did. We got back in the car and Marzia strapped me up to my car seat. We turned back on ourselves and headed towards the pretty neighbourhood I had seen before. We stopped at the best one on the street. It was theirs!

"Aw" Marzia cooed "She likes it!"

Marzia kissed Felix on the lips and opened up my door.

"Go right inside May!" She cheerfully said.

I ran inside and was attacked by two small dogs. I screamed and ran to Felix.

"These are dogs, May." He explained calmly.

"They won't hurt you!" Marzia comforted me.

Felix put me down and I hugged the dogs, who were pugs.

"Do you like it?" Felix asked me, nicely.

"Yes!" I replied overwhelmed.

This was awesome!

Adopted by Pewdiepie and MarziaWhere stories live. Discover now