Chapter 13: Pregnant?

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I woke up with a crick in my neck. I rubbed it so hard that I had a rash as well. I can't do anything right. I got changed into my fairly new butterfly shirt and my blue jeans. I heard Marzia and Felix talking, whilst the TV was on. They couldn't be watching East Enders otherwise they wouldn't be talking because it's their favourite show. I decided to join them. But not now...

Later, maybe. I looked at my clock and was shocked at the time! It was 1!

"May! We can hear you, ya little rascal!" Felix exclaimed, laughing.

I screamed in delight and ran away from Felix, whilst he chased me. He caught me, picked me up and threw me onto the sofa. I giggled and layed my head on Marzia's lap.

"Hey trouble!" She said, stroking my cheek with the back of her hand.

I smiled at her and kissed her soft red cheek. She had that sort of musky, powdery smell. I loved it. Marzia's tummy was so large, maybe even bigger than a chihuahua.

"Why is your belly so big?" I laughed.

"That's what we wanted to talk to you about" She said, easing me off her lap and sitting up.

I sat inbetween Marzia and Felix. They looked at me and Felix put me on his lap.

"Now" Marzia started "When a mummy and a daddy love each other, they may want a child. Like you, May. And Felix and I want another child, as well as you. So, in my belly, is a baby. It's called being pregnant"

They both looked at me and smiled.

"Yay! So I'm gonna have a baby brother or sister?" I asked excitedly.

"Yep" Felix replied.

I jumped up in the air and onto Marzia. They both laughed and hugged me.

"When will the baby be ready?" I said, rubbing the 'bump' as Marzia and Felix had called it.

"Um. In around a month? Right Marzia?"

Felix answered.


"So, you're saying, I will have a baby bro or sis in a month?!"

"Yes! Now go and get a jacket, we are going shopping." Marzia replied again.

I did as I was told and ran off to get my denim jacket from the back of my door. Felix was already ready and was sitting in the front room on the sofa. He was waiting for us because we were taking a long while to get ready.

"Now coming darling!" Marzia called but then sniggering at me.

I had pulled out my old jacket that was too small for me. I couldn't get my arm out! Marzia took a photo and tweeted it and instagrammed (is that even a word?!) it.

"Thanks" I giggled.

She nodded at me and removed the jacket, relieving me from my embarrassment. I finally got the right coat on and off we set to shop.

Adopted by Pewdiepie and MarziaWhere stories live. Discover now