An explanation...

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Holy shit, it's been a minute since I've posted anything after I promised I'd post more... but now I'm here to give an explanation.. you may not care or you may care to much as to my reasoning, but I'm going to tell you regardless.... my motivation has been at an all time low for a while now.. and I don't mean just to write, I haven't been motivated to do anything in life... I'm not motivated to get out of bed just to follow the same routine every day.. Wake up late, put on my usual 'mask', go to the other half of the school day, come home to the same disappointed looks while I just have to smile through it all until everyone goes to sleep and I can finally let my facade melt away along with my dignity.. for those few people who know me in reality that are reading this, don't bother talking to me about this with the hope of 'saving' me.. I lost hope of that a while ago, so just leave me to my demons...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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