Chapter 1

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Nezu's perspective

This boy is quite interesting, I can't quite understand him, he's quite vague in his way of speaking. He told me that I've given him more than I could know, for now, so this could mean that he'll explain himself in the police station. In fact we've just arrived, but a few things can't escape my mind, like how he didn't put up any fight, from my previous analysis' on the human race I came to the conclusion the when under threatening circumstances humans tend to act compulsive and defensive. But this boy, he just submitted and calmly gave up, this requires further study. 

Another thing that bothered me was the fact that he called me sensei.. Did he perhaps know that I was a teacher? Or perhaps he saw me as an authoritative figure that he respects? His title was The Ronin was it not? There is a possibility that he saw me as a master, like ancient samurai did. But that just leaves one more question, how did he know I was someone of high authority? 

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard the boy chuckle as we walked into the interrogation room

Nezu: What seems to be so amusing?

(Y/N): You're quite the over thinker Nezu-sensei, had I not interrupt you I'm sure you'd be able to decipher my identity. I respect that greatly.

Nezu: I don't think you should look at me that highly, you barely know me.

(Y/N): I know so much about you sensei, more than the teachers at UA do in fact. Right now I can sense your caution towards me, and I don't blame you, but please know I have no Ill intentions towards you.

Nezu: Then you wouldn't be against telling me how you know so much?

(Y/N): I would be happy too, My name is (Y/N), but the world knows me as The Ronin, the worlds number one vigilante. And as to how I know so much about you, I'm a telepath, I looked into your mind and I've been received with so much. Knowledge, the secret as to how you keep your fur so shiny, but most shocking... the experiments you've had to endure.

Nezu: I see, you know quite a bit directly from the source.

(Y/N): I know more than just looking into your mind, the experiments you went through, I felt the pain you went through... every excruciating second you went through.. It was a familiar feeling..

I widened my eyes at this, the boy sitting in front me just told me that he's experienced pain similar to my own

Nezu: please explain more to me

I looked at him, worried by his silence. But what shocked me was that he started to undo the bandages that surrounded his head. What revealed itself saddened me, blonde hair with red spots running through it, as it got lower I was shown scars and burn marks running across his face. But most of all, his eyes. His dull milky white eyes shook me to my core with anger.

Nezu: what... what has happened..? who would do such a thing to you? those scars, those burns, who harmed you so much.

(Y/N): My family..

My eyes widened in anger

(Y/N): but worry not... I've become so accustom to pain that I've become numb to any physical contact, so I can't feel the burns any more... but as you could probably tell, I'm blind.

Nezu: Yes...I've noticed.. but I'm guessing that your telepathy quirk allows you to see in some way..

(Y/N): yes and no. yes for the fact my telepathy allows me to see, no for the fact about it being a quirk.

I looked at the boy confused.

Nezu: what do you mean that's not your quirk?

(Y/N): when I was born, I was diagnosed as being quirk-less. that is one of the factors that led to my torture. But when I was in that house I trained my mind aggressively and after many years and many aneurysms I finally gained my powers. So I used them to escape.

I sat in my seat, flabbergasted, this quirk-less boy. Suffered through not only the worst physical torment, but also mental, and through this torment he's ascended to a level that I could only describe as inhuman... this boy's power could rival.... no, surpass All Might's...

Nezu: Wait, theres still one thing I don't understand.. you said that I've given you more that I could know.. please explain what you meant

 (Y/N): Oh that's easy, when I looked into your mind I received a vast amount of knowledge from you. after looking into your brain for at least 5 seconds, you gave me what could be described as more than 50 years of schooling.

Nezu: Oh my.. that would be quite the gift to receive..

(Y/N): It's especially useful when you haven't been given the privilege of going to a school.

Nezu: I'd like to change that, I want you to join UA. You won't have to take an entrance exam or anything, you'd be taken in under my personal recommendation.

He looked at me shocked, trying to grasp what I have just told him.

(Y/N): are you sure? you want me to join you school, despite never taking a class in my life? why?

Nezu: Because I see immeasurable potential in you, plus it'll be better than having to break the law as a vigilante.

The boy teared up a bit before wiping his eyes and bowing towards me

(Y/N): I won't let you down!

timeskip 2 weeks, (Y/N)'s Perspective

It's the day of the entrance exam, and tension was high... for everyone except me and a few others. Like Shoto Todoroki and Momo Yaoyorozu, two others who got in on recommendation. Todoroki is a troubled child, He's silent and edgy towards anyone who tries to form a relationship with him, Momo on the other hand is uptight and privileged, having everything given to her on a silver platter, but inside, I can tell she's a nice girl, just afraid to open up. While doing my analysis I failed to notice Momo walk up to me. Guess I should stop meditating, I get out of my position and look at the crazy haired girl

(Y/N): Yes?

Momo: Hello, I am-

(Y/N): Momo Yaoyorozu and the quiet boy over there is Shoto Todoroki. I know you and everything about you, Information can never be hidden from me..

I say stoically while Momo looks shocked and Todoroki intrigued

Momo: How do you know us??

(Y/N): I know more about the both of you than you know about yourself..

Momo (thinking): there's no way that can be true

(Y/N): Oh but it can be Miss Yaoyoruzu, nothing is hidden inside your mind, its not a vault that you can lock, It's a window with large flashing lights telling me everything.. People just don't have the ability to peer through it..

Momo: H-H-How did you do that??

she asked worriedly

(Y/N): I'm a telepath I can read or control anybody's mind using my own, as well as move things with it. Everyone's dark or embarrassing secrets are mine to enjoy.

Momo and Shoto look at me shocked, I couldn't keep it together anymore, I burst out with laughter. they are not ammused

(Y/N): Relax you two, I have nothing to gain from your secrets.. I just like giving people a spook

Momo sighs in relief while Shoto chuckles a bit

(Y/N): To make it even, I'll tell you both a secret of mine... I'm blind..

their eyes widen in disbelief, and doubt. I chuckle and take the wrappings off my face to show them my milky eyes

(Y/N): Tada~!

Shoto: T-That's incredible.. but how do you fight without vision?

(Y/N): I use my mind of course

Before I could tell them more, the PA system comes on

Present Mic: And Time Is Up!!! Everyone Taking The Exam Can Go Home Now!! Your Results Will Come To You In The Mail By Tomorrow!! 

I put my fingers to my head and start sensing all of the people leaving the gates... But one stood out to me the most...

(Y/N): Bakugo...

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