Chapter 10

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(A/N): This is your warning/disclaimer for this chapter. What you are about to read contains content that can make some readers uncomfortable, namely lemon.

Kenshi's perspective

I'll go and do some training with young briggs and cage 

I teleport over to america and into their army base, I am greeted with guns trained on me

Soldier: You there!! State your business!!

Kenshi: I am only here with the intent to spar with Jaqqui Briggs and Cassie Cage

Cassie walks into the room with Jaqqui

Cassie: At ease men! it's just kenshi

one by one the guns lower

Kenshi: So this is how you greet people in america? Frankly, not surprised.

Jaqqui: That's how we greet people when they suddenly show up in a high security military base

Kenshi: Pleasure to see you again Jaqqui

Jaqqui: Pleasures all mine

Cassie: well, what do you need kenshi?

Kenshi: well young cage, I was curious if you and young briggs were interested in a sparing match with yours truly.

Cassie: wait a minute, young? you do know we're the same age right?

Kenshi: maybe so, but in terms of experience, I am far superior.

I boast

Jaqqui: Oh it's on now blind boy!

Cassie looks at her shocked

Cassie: Jaqqui! you can't ju-

Kenshi: Ha! I don't need sight to see how in over your head you are, I've been fighting in the mortal kombat tournament since I was 9 and I remain undefeated, those gauntlets don't hold a candle to my mind.

Jaqqui: says the guy who needed our help against outworld today!

Kenshi: As if! I just didn't want you to feel left out, I could have literally make all their bodies implode if I wanted to!

Cassie: really? why didn't you?

Kenshi: where's the fun in an unfair fight? there's just no challenge when I use my ability in that way, If i did that for every fight, life would just get dull and boring. Anyway, I know Jaqqui wants a swing at me but how about you? you want to go a few rounds in the training room?

Cassie: Sounds fun, been a while since I last sparred 

we all make our way to the training room. when we enter the two girls start to check their weapons and ammo while I kneel down and sharpen my sword with whetstone until It shines (yo, anyone get their shit rocked by Rajang yet?)

Cassie: You ready samurai?

she says while cocking her pistols

Kenshi: Those better be rubber bullets in your Peashooters there

Cassie: What? Can't take a few Bullets Kenshi?

Kenshi: I can, but I don't want to show up to my date with bullet holes

I feel two tinges of jealousy

Jaqqui: O-Oh yeah? who's the lucky lady?

Kenshi: Ladies actually, two girls named Jiro and Asui

I sense a lot of intrigue and a bit of hope

Kenshi: Anyway, we're not here to talk about my love life, we're here to train!

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