Chapter 5

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Kenshi's perspective, 10 minutes after class ended

I was walking through the school, making my way to the infirmary to retrieve Midoriya. while walking I felt the glares of a few students of class 1B... It doesn't matter, they can't do anything to me , I walked through the cafeteria and noticed that the cooking hero Lunch-Rush was about to throw away some leftover Onigiri from todays lunch period, I jog over.

Kenshi: Excuse me Lunch-Rush, If you're going to throw away that rice would you mind if I took some for me and a buddy of mine who's in the infirmary? we've regrettably missed lunch today.

I ask politely

Lunch-Rush: That would be wonderful! I always hate wasting food. Here, I have six left, you and your friend can have three each.

Kenshi: thank you very much.

I bow to him respectively while he puts the food in a bag and hands it to me. I take the bag and start to head to the infirmary again. I finally get to the place i need to be, I enter and notice Midoriya sitting up in his bed looking at his hand.

Kenshi: How's your finger midoriya?

He clearly gets startled

Midoriya: o-oh! hey K-Kenshi, my fingers feeling better, recovery girl fixed me right up.

He says joyfully

Kenshi: That's good, All Might wants to see us, so let's head over to the teacher's lounge. I also managed to score us some Onigiri from Lunch-Rush.

Midoirya: Awesome!

He exclaims before I head out of the room, gesturing for him to follow me. he follows me over to the teachers lounge down the hall. we enter and sit down on the couch, I give him his half of the food, he eats it happily

Midoriya: Wow! it's so good, as expected of Lunch-Rush!

I move my mouth guard and eat one of the balls of rice.

Kenshi: Yes, it is quite enjoyable.

we continue to eat and talk for a bit until the door shot open and All Might runs in

All Might: I AM HERE!! entering the room like a normal person!

I chuckle at his entry

Kenshi: Hello All Might, what did you need to talk to us about?

All Might: Well young (L/N) we're here to talk about everything you know of our secret.

Kenshi: Easy, everything... even the things you haven't told Midoriya..

His eyes widen.

All Might: Surely you can't be serious..

Midoriya: A-All Might.. what's he talking about?

I put my hand to the side of the green haired boy's head.

Kenshi: Hush midoriya.. the adults are talking..

My hand glows a light blue and Midoriya falls asleep, All Might looks a bit shocked

Kenshi: Now... let's talk about One For All and All For One..

I say while taking my bandages off, revealing my face to him. My milky white eyes, Burnt and scarred skin.. and My bloody blonde hair..

All Might: S-So it's true...

Kenshi: I don't lie All MIght.. You should revert back to your true form, straining yourself in front of me isn't the healthiest thing to do..

All Might looks down and goes back to his scrawny form

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