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Regulus' POV:
After Hadrian led us back to his room, he walks and goes to sit on his bed. Severus and James follow and sit on either side of him. James sits on his left and Sev sits on his right.Sirius and Remus stand off to one side of the room while Fenrir and I lean on the wall closest to the door. Hadrian banishes the elephant in the room by being the first to talk. He turns to James and asks

"So I thought you and Snape hated each other? I've heard from various sources about all of the pranks that you did to Snape. So how'd you fall in love from there?"

"All of those pranks, were actually a combination of quick glamours and missed spells. Sevvy would glamour himself to make it look like we used some nasty prank on him. Hell, even his revenge on us sometimes was faked. Sirius and Remus were also in on it that's why we included them in on pranks more than Peter knowing him, he would do something rash at the news. Remus and Sirius loved teasing me about it, and sometimes still do. Most nights I would use my invisibility cloak and meet Sevs in the ROR. Sometimes we'd have to be more careful when prefects would pass by on our normal route, or Sev would get so worked up about missing me that he'd just snog me in the hallway. Soon after we graduated and got married, we had you. A little over two years later, we had little Llena. Llena looks just like Sevvy but has my eyes and  Before we knew about Albass, we invited him to the baby shower we were having for her. While Sev went back inside to get the cake the elves had generously made, Albus approached me and  held his wand up. After that, all I remember is vague memories of being forced to kiss Lily and marry her. I still had you but I still have no idea where Llena went." Feeling his mates sadness, Severus put an arm around both James and Hadrian.Severus continues

"After Tom used his connections to find you with them and  went to get you and James, he accidently did kill your third godmother, Lily. He stupefied James and sent him with Fenrir. A few months after, I received a letter from him saying that the memory charm broke and he remembered everything.  Before he was able to take you and apparate back to the manor, Dumbledick showed up and was going to kill Tom and you. That's the truth behind your scar. He then forced a glamour on you to look like their child and placed you on the steps of that trash."Hadrian  takes a few moments to process the information and then turns to Remus and Sirius.

"So how do you fit into this equation? Why did you go "dark" anyways?"

"Well, after that whole debacle, minus the dumblefuck part, we began to see all of the flaws and true darkness to Albass. First off, he wanted to sterilise all 'dark' creatures so we wouldn't have anymore tainting this world. This included werewolves, any unicorns who opposed him, giants, merpeople, pixies, and  many others. Secondly, we heard that the dark had more sensible values and ways to achieve their goals than killing and sterilising. After confirming these from many sources, we swore fealty to Tom as soon as possible. Without taking the dark mark of course so that we could still spy on the light. As this was happening, Dumblefuck went ahead with his plans to sterilise werewolves. If  I hadn't kept a close eye on Remus and on Fenrir's pack, we wouldn't have been able to have our tiny Apollo. We never did find out what happened to him." After Sirius says this, a look of anger quickly crosses his face. Remus sees this and quickly goes to hug his dominant to calm him down. Sirius turns to me.

" How did you survive? We heard from Dumbleass that you were dead?"

I slowly leaned into Fenny to begin my tale."So after I was lost to the inferi, Tom did his to do list, he came back and rescued me. After he realized you were the one of the prophecy and" I say whilst looking at Hadrian," taken to those pieces of trash muggle filth, he gave me a semi permanent glamour, one that could only be removed by the caster, and implanted memories of me into the filth as their spoiled rotten son." I look at Hadrian " I am truly sorry for all of the pain I caused you as 'Dudley'. I did always make sure to repair some of the minor ones overnight so that you wouldn't have to worry about that."
"So that's why I would always feel less achy some mornings rather than others." I nod in confirmation. Before the silence can become more awkward than all of us just standing in Hadrian's room,  Topsy comes and calls us all for a quick dinner. We all head down and sit anywhere at the table. Some people are sitting more close to Tom, which is basically all of us,  as we are his favorites.

Here is the next chapter! I hope everyone who is off of school is having a good time and staying healthy! Happy April Fool's day everyone and stay healthy(again!) The next chapter of Story should be up soon or another chapter of this! Also, to anyone who has read my story, if you do have a better title for it, put it below! I am always looking for suggestions! Thanks for reading ! To all of my wonderful followers: Thanks! I give you an internet cookie!   🍪🍪

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