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(Does anyone have any ideas for the other characters that I have could be creature inheritances/ hybrids? If you do comment below!Also if you have any POV you want me to do just let me know!)

*Time skip to July( Harry has been with the DE for a month now)*

Voldemort's POV:

I'm surprised at how vicious and dark that the "golden boy" is . I mean all of the creative spells that he suggested while enjoying the screams that the pitiful muggles made as an effect of the spells. I must say, he even created some deliciously evil ones. He created one that burned all nerve endings with pain that could only be inflicted by multiple crucios in a row. Then another one  in which it can strip all of the skin off a person leaving only the muscle, bone and tendon while causing the most pain that it can to the person you are casting it on. He has come up with so many delightful spells that I had him write all of them down. Potter also comes up with some very Slytherin plans and I had told him such. 

Flash Back:

 Golden boy had just come up with a very Slytherin plan to up my plans of torturing muggles and instilling fear on the wizarding population.

"Potter you do know that you are becoming very slytherin." I point out. Severus and my inner circle was also included on this meeting.

"Well, I have some news that will shock you all then" He said as he chuckled, " The sorting hat originally wanted to put me in Slytherin." as he said this he looked right at the Slytherin head of house. As most of  my inner circle is made up of Slytherins no one could believe that the golden boy should have been put in Slytherin. I swear that this boy has surprised me and the inner circle more than any other person in the whole world has

End Flashback:

After that announcement I decided to myself that I would make this boy my apprentice and if he excelled maybe later my heir. Then I might reveal my other spies in the Order of the  flaming parrots.

Harry POV(I hope that the switching POVs don't mess up the story!):

I haven't seen anyone more surprised when I told the inner circle and voldyshorts that the sorting hat wanted me in Slytherin. I haven't had this much fun doing anything in forever. In the month that I have been here with the DE, I haven't been killed, or locked in dungeon at all. I'm glad that all of the death eaters like my new spells. Voldy liked them so much that any spell I made, he wanted down on paper and what they could do. I so far have been visited by Dobby once during the night and he was surprised with how I have been treated. I then sent him away after telling him that I didn't need him to come and get me anymore that I felt more relaxed here than I had felt ever. I did help Voldy come up with better more constructed plans then just letting his death eaters go out and spread terror randomly. I can't wait to see if I can be inducted into the death eaters ranks. I'll ask him about it next week. After all, this week is full of fun and torturing the muggles and then putting them in their home dead and make it look like everyone was slaughtered. I have also collected some of my own blood in a container so that when moldy voldy puts them back that it looks like I died too. What's funny is how long that I have been here and the animals have been and no one has noticed them missing. I mean no one comes to see if I am well so i guess that's why. Draco has been giving me these odd looks all summer. Not a look of loathing, more like a look of longing. I'll have to ask him about that later. Also, Tommy boy has been giving me odd looks like he's questioning something. And yeah I finally have a chance to use  big,bad voldy's real name. Even though I've known it since second year, I haven't really had the time to tease him with it! So this summer has been a lot of fun and laughter using his name. It does help to be talking to Nagini. Did you know that Nagini is actually an animagi that is really tommy's little old wife or I mean husband. Yup, voldy's anything but straight! Nagini is actually Nathaniel, and the only reason I know this is because he trusted me enough to tell me this. That would make sense with how close Riddles keeps Nagini to him.

Sorry for taking so long on the update. Life has basically dumped shit on me and so has school. I hope you liked it and if you do have suggestions put them down below! 

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